Tips on applying

A step-by-step checklist that guides you through the application process.

  1. Check that you are eligible. Read through the scholarship information carefully to make sure you meet the criteria
  2. Make a list of scholarships you are qualified to apply for
  3. Review the application form by clicking ‘Apply’ so you are aware in advance of what information will be required
  4. Organise your scholarship information:
    • All the scholarships you want to apply for
    • Closing dates for each scholarship
    • Supporting documents you need to provide for each one
    • How and when you will get these documents
    • Start early
  5. The online application form can be saved. It is important to remember that the online application form can be saved at any time. You do not need to feel rushed to complete your application all at once. Each scholarship has its own application procedure. Read the materials carefully and to understand what information is requested
  6. Read and follow all instructions
  7. If you have any questions, email the Faculty of Arts Awards team
  8. You may be asked to provide with your application:
    • Outline of proposed planned activities
    • Details of your proposed course of study
    • Proposed travel details (including departure and return dates)
    • Proposed budget details
    • Current academic record (transcript of results)
    • Current Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
    • Academic references
    • Evidence of financial need and resources available
    • Any other information to support application
    • Proof of citizenship or residency status (eg birth certificate, passport.) Get copies of documents certified
  9. Request your academic reference early. Give your referee enough time to write a quality reference – they are busy people
  10. Complete the application. You can save this as you go but uploaded documents cannot be saved
  11. Upload supporting documents at the last stage before you submit
  12. Do a final check. Proof read your application. Check that you have answered all required sections and make sure you have uploaded all the required supporting documents
  13. Submit your completed application and apply early
  14. Check you have received a confirmation of receipt email
  15. Mail published items with a copy of the receipt of your application email at your earliest convenience
  16. Contact us immediately if:
    • You don’t think your application will be submitted on time. Late applications are sometimes not accepted as it holds up the process review and awarding
    • If there is a change to their enrolment and other circumstances that is relevant to their scholarship
    • You wish to withdraw your application


Sometimes competition for scholarships is very strong. You can increase your chances by applying for as many as you qualify for.

You are trying to prove you are worthy of financial support. The selection panel needs to see that you have something special to offer.

Your scholarship application will be assessed and ranked on the information you provide in your application and the supporting documentation you supply.