Old English Reading Group

Old Saxon Helmet

Convenor: Bob DiNapoli bob.dinapoli@yahoo.com.au

The Group meets on Tuesdays from 2.00 - 3.00pm; the venue is John Medley 202, unless advised otherwise.

We’re currently working on Guthlac A. For a bilingual copy of the text please contact Bob DiNapoli.

All are very welcome, so do come along, even if you haven’t any experience with Old English: total beginners are welcome. Don’t worry if you have missed a few sessions and part of the text we are currently looking at – starting at any time is fine. Dictionaries and translations of texts will be available.

For more information, a copy of past materials or for an electronic version of the upcoming text with a translation, please contact Bob DiNapoli.

To be added to the Facebook group, please email Katie Mirabella.