
Opening panel

HE Penny Williams

The Honourable Penny Williams is the Ambassador of Australia to the Republic of Indonesia. Ms Williams is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and was recently Deputy Secretary in the Department. She has previously served overseas as High Commissioner to Malaysia and was Australia’s first Ambassador for Women and Girls. Ms Williams is Australia’s first female Ambassador to Indonesia. Ms Williams is fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and holds a Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours) focused on Indonesia and a Masters of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development.

Williams Penny
HE Penny Williams

Ms Penny Williams adalah Duta Besar Australia untuk Republik Indonesia. Beliau adalah pejabat karir senior di Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan (DFAT) Australia dan baru-baru ini menjabat sebagai Wakil Sekretaris di Departemen tersebut. Ms. Williams sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Komisaris Tinggi untuk Malaysia dan Duta Besar pertama Australia untuk Wanita dan Anak Perempuan. Beliau adalah Duta Besar perempuan pertama Australia untuk Indonesia. Ms Williams fasih berbahasa Indonesia dan memiliki gelar Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours) yang berfokus pada Indonesia dan Masters of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development.

HE Siswo Pramono

The Honourable Siswo Pramono is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Australia and the Republic of Vanuatu. Prior to this position, he was Director General/Head of The Foreign Policy Strategy Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. He attained his Ph.D degree from the Australian National University, and Master of Law degree from Monash University. Dr. Pramono completed his professional diplomatic training in the diplomatic schools of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Jakarta, and the Clingendael Institute of International Relations, The Netherlands. As a career diplomat, he has served in various Indonesian diplomatic missions abroad, including The Indonesian Embassies in The Netherlands and Germany. As a scholar, Dr. Pramono is a non-tenured Professor in various universities, namely Airlangga University, Cendrawasih University, as well as a fellow at the The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) and Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Siswo Pramono
HE Siswo Pramono

Dr Siswo Pramono adalah Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh Republik Indonesia untuk Australia dan Republik Vanuatu. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal/Kepala Badan Strategi Kebijakan Luar Negeri Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Beliau memperoleh gelar Ph.D dari Australian National University, dan gelar Master of Law dari Monash University. Dr. Pramono menyelesaikan pelatihan diplomasi profesionalnya di sekolah diplomatik Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia, Jakarta, dan Institut Hubungan Internasional Clingendael, Belanda. Sebagai diplomat karir, beliau telah bertugas di berbagai misi diplomatik Indonesia di luar negeri, termasuk Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Belanda dan Jerman. Sebagai seorang akademisi, Dr. Pramono adalah Guru Besar tidak tetap di berbagai perguruan tinggi, yaitu Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Cendrawasih, serta fellow di Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) dan Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Professor Ova Emilia

Professor Ova Emilia is the Rector (Vice-Chancellor), Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is the first Indonesian Professor in the field of  Medical Education. Prior to her current appointment, she was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (2016-2021) and Vice Dean for Academic, Student and Alumni, in the Faculty of Medicine, UGM (2012-2016). She joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UGM in 1990 and delivers lectures in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Medical Education.

She also works closely with colleagues in the Department of Medical Education for the comprehensive evaluation and improvement of a problem-based learning strategies in a competence-based curriculum for the undergraduate program in medicine. She obtained her Masters of Medical Education from the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK before completing her residency training program in ObGyn. After completing her specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology she undertook a PhD at  the University of New South Wales, on Clinical Teaching, and Consultancy in relation to Social Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Prof Dr Ova
Professor Ova Emilia

Profesor Ova Emilia adalah Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Beliau adalah Guru Besar Indonesia pertama di bidang Pendidikan Kedokteran (Medical Education). Sebelumnya beliau adalah Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran (2016-2021) dan Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM (2012-2016). Profesor Emilia bergabung dengan Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi di UGM pada tahun 1990 dan memberikan kuliah di bidang Obstetri dan Ginekologi serta Pendidikan Kedokteran.

Beliau juga bekerja sama dengan kolega-kolega di Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran untuk evaluasi komprehensif dan peningkatan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam kurikulum berbasis kompetensi untuk program sarjana kedokteran. Beliau memperoleh gelar Master of Medical Education dari University of Dundee, Scotland, UK sebelum menyelesaikan program pelatihan residensinya di ObGyn. Setelah menyelesaikan spesialisasinya di Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Profesor Emilia meraih gelar PhD di University of New South Wales di bidang Pengajaran Klinis, dan Konsultasi dalam kaitannya dengan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial.

Professor Vedi Hadiz

Professor Vedi Hadiz is Director and Professor of Asian Studies at the Asia Institute and an Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor International at the University of Melbourne. In this role he has assisted the university to build stronger relationships with Indonesia, including its universities and government, as outlined in the University of Melbourne Indonesia Strategy (2019). Professor Hadiz’s research interests revolve around political sociology and political economy issues, especially those related to the contradictions of development in Indonesia and Southeast Asia more broadly, and more recently, in the Middle East.

Professor Hadiz is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and was an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in 2010-2014. Professor Hadiz’s latest book is entitled Islamic Populism in Indonesia and the Middle East (Cambridge University Press 2016). Professor Hadiz has been a visiting scholar in the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in France, the International Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands, the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Kyoto, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi and the Department of Sociology at the University of Indonesia, where he is also an Adjunct Professor.

Profesor Vedi Hadiz
Professor Vedi Hadiz

Profesor Vedi Hadiz adalah Direktur dan Profesor di Departemen Studi Asia di Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts dan Asisten Wakil Rektor Internasional di the University of Melbourne. Dalam peran tersebut, Profesor Hadiz telah membantu the University of Melbourne membangun hubungan yang lebih erat dengan Indonesia, termasuk universitas-universitas dan pemerintahnya, sebagaimana diuraikan dalam University of Melbourne Indonesia Strategy (2019). Minat penelitian Profesor Hadiz berkisar pada masalah sosiologi politik dan ekonomi politik, terutama yang terkait dengan kontradiksi pembangunan di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara secara lebih luas, dan baru-baru ini, di kawasan Timur Tengah.

Profesor Hadiz adalah Anggota Terpilih dari Akademi Ilmu Sosial (Academy of Social Sciences) di Australia dan merupakan Anggota Dewan Riset Australia Masa Depan (Australian Research Council Future Fellow) pada 2010-2014. Buku terbaru Profesor Hadiz berjudul Islamic Populism in Indonesia and the Middle East, (Populisme Islam di Indonesia dan Timur Tengah, Cambridge University Press 2016). Profesor Hadiz telah menjadi peneliti tamu di School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) di Prancis, the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies di University of Kyoto, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences di the Indian Institute of Technology- Delhi dan Departemen Sosiologi di Universitas Indonesia, di mana ia juga menjadi Adjunct Professor.

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne is Dean, Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, a position he has held since 2019. Russell leads a Faculty in which collaboration with our partners in Indonesia specifically and Asia more broadly is a strategic priority, and evident in joint research, Masters programs and other initiatives. He is a noted French literature scholar and was previously Professor of French Literature at King’s College London, where he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities from 2014 to 2018. Prior to this, he taught for more than a decade at the University of Leeds, after receiving his doctorate at Keble College, Oxford.

Professor Goulbourne has published and taught extensively on major figures in French intellectual culture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries including Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau. His research interests include the history of the book and textual editing, and reception of classical antiquity in early modern France. He is the author of Voltaire Comic Dramatist (Voltaire Foundation, 2006) and a scholarly translation of Rousseau's Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Oxford University Press, 2011) as well as co-editor of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and British Romanticism: Gender and Selfhood, Politics and Nation (Bloomsbury, 2017).

Professor Goulbourne is also an editor of the Voltaire Foundation’s Oeuvres completes de Voltaire and previously served as Co-Editor of French Studies, the journal of the Society for French Studies, published by Oxford University Press.

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne
The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne

Pdt. Professor Russell Goulbourne adalah Dekan di Faculty of Arts, the University of Melbourne sejak 2019. Beliau memimpin fakultas yang memiliki prioritas strategis untuk berkolaborasi dengan mitra di Indonesia dan kawasan Asia secara lebih luas, dan kolaborasi tersebut terbukti dalam penelitian, program magister, dan inisiatif bersama lainnya. Profesor Goulbourne merupakan salah satu akademisi sastra Perancis ternama dan sebelum posisinya di the University of Melbourne, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Profesor Sastra Prancis di King’s College London, di mana beliau juga bekerja sebagai Dekan dari Faculty of Arts and Humanities dari tahun 2014 hingga 2018. Sebelumnya, Profesor Goulbourne mengajar selama lebih dari satu dekade di University of Leeds setelah dianugerahi gelar doktor di Keble College, Oxford University.

Profesor Goulbourne telah menerbitkan dan mengajar secara ekstensif tentang tokoh-tokoh penting dalam budaya intelektual Perancis pada abad ke-tujuh belas dan ke-delapan belas, termasuk Voltaire, Diderot, dan Rousseau. Minat penelitiannya meliputi sejarah buku dan penyuntingan tekstual, dan tanggapan mengenai periode antik-klasik pada periode modern awal di Prancis. Profesor Goulbourne adalah penulis buku Voltaire Comic Dramatist (Voltaire Foundation, 2006) dan terjemahan ilmiah dari Rousseau’s Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Oxford University Press, 2011) serta editor volume yang berjudul Jean-Jacques Rousseau dan British Romanticism: Gender and Selfhood, Politics and Nation (Bloomsbury, 2017).

Profesor Goulbourne juga merupakan penyunting dari Oeuvres completes de Voltaire oleh Voltaire Foundation dan sebelumnya menjabat sebagai penyunting jurnal French Studies, publikasi dari Society for French Studies, yang diterbitkan oleh Oxford University Press.

Dr Wawan Mas’udi

Dr Wawan Mas’udi S.IP., M.P.A., is the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada and a senior Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government Studies. His research interests revolve around political leadership, populism, citizenship, and local politics and decentralization. In this current COVID-19 pandemic, together with a research team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, he has published some policy recommendations on how the Indonesian government should respond to the pandemic. He is also the co-editor of two books on ‘Governing the Pandemic’ and ‘New Normal Indonesia’ (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). His publications include a chapter on the creation of political legitimacy in post-reform Indonesia (in Lane, 2019) and programmatic politics in local elections (Contemporary Southeast Asia, December 2017).

Dr Wawan Mas'udi
Dr Wawan Mas’udi

Dr Wawan Mas’udi S.I.P., M.P.A., adalah Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Dosen Senior pada Departemen Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintahan. Minat penelitiannya berkisar pada kepemimpinan politik, populisme, kewarganegaraan, dan politik lokal dan desentralisasi. Di tengah pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, bersama tim peneliti dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, beliau telah menerbitkan beberapa rekomendasi kebijakan tentang bagaimana seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia menyikapi pandemi tersebut. Ia juga menjadi co-editor dua buku ‘Mengatur Pandemi’ dan ‘New Normal Indonesia’ (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). Publikasinya mencakup bab tentang penciptaan legitimasi politik di Indonesia pascareformasi (dalam Lane, 2019) dan politik terprogram dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Contemporary Southeast Asia, Desember 2017).

Panel Chair

Professor Kate McGregor

Professor Kate McGregor is a historian of Indonesia, based in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, specialising in the history of modern Indonesia. The focus of her research to date has been on the Indonesian military, the Cold War, colonial violence, memory and activism, Indonesian women and the Japanese occupation. She has published four books and is completing a major monograph on transnational activism for Indonesian ‘comfort women’ to be published by the University of Wisconsin press in 2023. This is a major outcome of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. In 2021 she commenced work with Dr Ana Dragoljlovic on a new Australian Research Council funded project of memory activism around colonial violence. She is also collaborating with Dr Ken Setiawan, Dr Abdul Wahid and Dr Sadiah Boonstra on a book project entitled Rethinking Colonial History.

Kate teaches Southeast Asian and Asian history. She supervises broadly across the fields of Southeast history and gender studies. She is currently President of the Asian Studies Association of Australia and Deputy Associate Dean International (Indonesia) for the Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne. She has promoted ongoing collaborations between Australian and Indonesian researchers through her own research as well as through a range of programs within and outside The University of Melbourne including the Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiative.

Associate Professor Kate McGregor
Professor Kate McGregor

Professor Kate McGregor adalah sejarawan bidang Indonesia, yang berbasis di School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, dengan spesialisasi di bidang sejarah Indonesia modern. Fokus penelitiannya sampai saat ini adalah militer Indonesia, Perang Dingin, kekerasan kolonial, memori dan aktivisme, perempuan Indonesia dan pendudukan Jepang. Kate telah menerbitkan empat buku dan kini sedang menyelesaikan monograf tentang aktivisme transnasional tentang jugun ianfu Indonesia yang akan diterbitkan oleh University of Wisconsin Press pada 2023. Ini adalah hasil kajian utama dari Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. Pada tahun 2021 ia memulai kolaborasi dengan Dr Ana Dragoljlovic untuk proyek baru yang didanai Dewan Riset Australia mengenai aktivisme memori tentang kekerasan kolonial. Ia juga sedang berkolaborasi dengan Dr Ken Setiawan, Dr Abdul Wahid dan Dr Sadiah Boonstra dalam proyek buku yang berjudul Rethinking Colonial History.

Kate mengajar sejarah Asia Tenggara dan Asia. Ia membimbing mahasiswa dengan penelitian yang terkait dengan bidang sejarah Asia Tenggara dan studi gender. Saat ini Kate menjabat sebagai Presiden untuk Asian Studies Association of Australia dan Wakil Dekan Bidang Internasional (Indonesia) di Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. Kate telah sejak lama mempromosikan kolaborasi berkelanjutan antara peneliti Australia dan Indonesia melalui penelitiannya sendiri, serta melalui berbagai program di dalam dan di luar The University of Melbourne, termasuk Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiative.

Panel Chair

Dr Poppy Winanti

Dr Poppy S. Winanti is the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and a senior lecturer at the International Relations Department in the faculty. Her research interests cover global and regional trade relations in global political economy; conflict and political economy of natural resources and extractive industries; Indonesia’s economic diplomacy; and South-South Cooperation. Her recent publications include localising global norms in extractive industries; resource nationalism; regulatory framework on IPR in Indonesia; Indonesia-Australia trade relations in the Indo-Pacific Era; and Indonesia’s South-South Cooperation.

Dr Poppy S. Winanti
Dr Poppy S. Winanti

Dr Poppy S. Winanti adalah Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) sekaligus dosen senior di Departemen Hubungan Internasional, FISIPOL UGM. Minat penelitiannya meliputi hubungan perdagangan global dan regional dalam ekonomi politik global; konflik dan ekonomi politik sumber daya alam dan industri ekstraktif; diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia; dan Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan. Ia meraih gelar doktor di bidang Politik dari University of Glasgow, dua gelar Master (MSc Ekonomi Politik Internasional dari LSE dan MPP dari KDI School of Public Policy). Publikasi terbarunya termasuk lokalisasi norma global dalam industri ekstraktif; nasionalisme sumber daya; kerangka regulasi HKI (hak kekayaan internasional) di Indonesia; hubungan perdagangan Indonesia-Australia di Era Indo-Pasifik; dan Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan Indonesia.

Panel two

Professor Jaqueline Peel

Professor Jaqueline Peel is the Director of Melbourne Climate Futures at The University of Melbourne and a leading, internationally-recognised expert in the field of environmental and climate change law. Her work on these topics encompasses international, transnational and national dimensions, as well as interdisciplinary aspects of the law/science relationship in the environmental field and risk regulation. From 2019-2021, Jaqueline was also a Lead Author in Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for its 6th Assessment Report. She has also been an active contributor to public policy formulation on climate change and environmental issues at the national and international levels. In 2017 she co-founded (with Dean Osofsky) the Women's Energy and Climate Law Network, with the aim of fostering the greater involvement of women in areas of energy and climate law-related scholarship and practice.

Jacqueline Peel
Professor Jacqueline Peel

Profesor Jaqueline Peel adalah Direktur Melbourne Climate Futures di The University of Melbourne dan pakar internasional di bidang hukum lingkungan dan perubahan iklim. Karyanya pada topik ini mencakup dimensi internasional, transnasional dan nasional, serta aspek interdisipliner dari hubungan hukum/sains di bidang lingkungan dan regulasi risiko. Pada tahun 2019-2021, Jaqueline juga menjadi Lead Author di WGIII of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for its 6th Assessment Report. Ia juga telah menjadi kontributor aktif untuk perumusan kebijakan publik tentang perubahan iklim dan isu-isu lingkungan di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Pada tahun 2017 Jacqueline bersama dengan Dean Osofsky mendirikan Women's Energy and Climate Law Network yang bertujuan untuk mendorong keterlibatan perempuan yang lebih besar di bidang keilmuan dan praktik yang terkait dengan energi dan hukum iklim.

Professor Jatna Supriatna

Professor Jatna Supriatna is the chairman of the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) and a senior lecturer inthe Department of Biology, at Universitas Indonesia (UI). He has also served in many roles supporting the Indonesian Government, including  as a member of National Research Council from 1999-2004, a member of the Steering Committee on the Biodiversity Action Plan at the National Development Planning Agency/ Bappenas, the Chairman of the Biodiversity Task Force at the Ministry of Research and Technology (2001-2003), and as a member of the Ministry of Forestry Task Force to Review Logging Concessions in Indonesia (2003-2005). He has also been a member of the delegation representing Indonesia at many global conferences, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the IUCN meeting, the World Park Congress, the UNFCCC and its SUBSTTA (Bali, Cairns, Bonn, Bangkok) and UN Forest Forum in New York.

He has been active in climate change negotiations for Indonesia in relation to REDD+ and for his dedication to conservation and environmental protection, he received the distinguished Officer of the most Excellence Order of Golden Ark Award from Prince of Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1999. In 2009, he received the Habibie Award in Indonesia for outstanding achievements in Natural Science research in 2008. In 2011 he also received the Achmad Bakrie Award for his contribution in the field of science in Indonesia.

Jatna Supriatna
Professor Jatna Supriatna  

Profesor Jatna Supriatna adalah Ketua Pusat Riset Perubahan Iklim (RCCC) di Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan pengajar senior di Departemen Biologi di universitas yang sama. Ia telah mengemban beberapa penugasan dari Pemerintah Indonesia, di antaranya sebagai anggota Dewan Riset Nasional (1999-2004), anggota Komite Pengarah Rencana Aksi Keanekaragaman Hayati, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas), Ketua Satgas Keanekaragaman Hayati, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (2001-2003), dan anggota Satgas Kementerian Kehutanan untuk meninjau konsesi penebangan di Indonesia 2003-2005. Ia telah ditugaskan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia untuk menjadi anggota delegasi Indonesia di berbagai konferensi seperti Konvensi Keanekaragaman Hayati, pertemuan IUCN, Kongres Taman Dunia, UNFCCC dan SUBSTTA (Bali, Cairns, Bonn, Bangkok) dan Forum Hutan PBB di New York.

Ia juga aktif dalam negosiasi perubahan iklim untuk REDD+ dan atas dedikasinya pada pekerjaan konservasi dan lingkungan, ia menerima penghargaan terhormat dari Yang Mulia Pangeran Bernhard dari Belanda pada tahun 1999 sebagai Officer of the Most Excellence Order of Golden Ark. Pada tahun 2009, ia menerima Penghargaan paling istimewa dari Presiden B.J. Habibie, The Habibie Award atas prestasi luar biasa dalam penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun 2011, ia juga menerima Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie atas kontribusinya dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia.

Associate Professor Llewelyn Hughes

Associate Professor Llewelyn Hughes is a social scientist researching the low carbon energy transition. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, where he sits on the steering committee of the Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific initiative. From 2018 to 2021 he served as Associate Dean for Research in the ANU's College of Asia and the Pacific. He is particularly interested in analysing how governments balance the goal of creating competitive advantage with the need to respond effectively to climate change, using a global supply chain perspective. he has also spent some time working on the fossil fuel sector, notably crude oil. He currently serves on the Editorial Board for Organizational Response to Climate Change: Business, Governments, and Nonprofits series, Cambridge University Press (2021-), and Studies in Comparative Energy and Environmental Politics series, Oxford University Press (2017- ). He is also Associate Editor for the Japanese Journal of Political Science (2018-).

Llewelyn Hughes
Associate Professor Llewelyn Hughes

Associate Professor Llewelyn Hughes adalah ilmuwan sosial yang meneliti transisi energi rendah karbon. Saat ini ia adalah Associate Professor di Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (ANU), di mana ia masuk di dalam komite pengarah Zero-Carbon Energy untuk inisiatif Asia-Pasifik. Pada tahun 2018-2021 ia menjabat sebagai Associate Dean for Research di ANU's College of Asia and the Pacific. Ia sangat tertarik untuk menganalisis bagaimana pemerintah menyeimbangkan tujuan menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif dengan kebutuhan untuk merespons perubahan iklim secara efektif, dengan menggunakan pasokan global perspektif rantai. Ia juga telah bekerja di sektor bahan bakar fosil, terutama minyak mentah. Saat ini ia menjabat di Dewan Editorial untuk Organizational Response to Climate Change: Business, Governments, and Nonprofits series, Cambridge University Press (2021-), dan Studies in Comparative Energy and Environmental Politics series, Oxford University Press (2017- ). Ia juga merupakan Associate Editor untuk Japanese Journal of Political Science (2018-).

Dr Sarjiya

Dr. Sarjiya is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Currently, he serves as the Head of the Center for Energy Studies (Pusat Studi Energi) and the Center of Excellence (CoE) on Green Energy in the Faculty of Engineering, UGM. He  published three policy briefs in Climate Compatible Growth, which supported COP26 activities on (1) the energy-carbon-economy nexus in supporting energy policy analysis; (2) renewable energy targets in the Sulawesi Region, and (3) the climate-land use-energy-water nexus for generation expansion planning in Sulawesi. He has been involved in dozens of research projects on energy transitions, electricity, electricity planning, solar energy, hydropower, geothermal power,  and energy audits, and other programs funded by international agencies, such as UNOPS, USAID - United States, Oxfam, International Development Cooperation with Denmark, European Program (Mesfia) and ASEAN (AUN-SEED/Net Project).

Dr Sarjiya
Dr. Sarjiya

Dr. Sarjiya adalah profesor di Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Ia juga menjabat sebagai Kepala Pusat Studi Energi dan Center of Excellence (CoE) Green Energy di Fakultas Teknik UGM. Ia telah menulis tiga ringkasan kebijakan yang diterbitkan dalam Climate Compatible Growth yang mendukung kegiatan COP26 tentang (1) hubungan energi-karbon-ekonomi dalam mendukung analisis kebijakan energi; (2) target energi terbarukan di Wilayah Sulawesi, dan (3) nexus iklim-penggunaan lahan-energi-air untuk perencanaan perluasan pembangkit di Sulawesi. Ia telah terlibat dalam puluhan penelitian dan proyek tentang transisi energi, energi listrik, perencanaan listrik, energi surya, tenaga air, panas bumi, energi audit, serta tergabung dalam berbagai proyek yang didanai oleh sumber internasional, seperti UNOPS, USAID - Amerika Serikat, Oxfam, Kerjasama Pembangunan Internasional Denmark, Program Eropa (Mesfia), dan ASEAN (AUN-SEED/Net Project).

Professor Kathryn Bowen

Professor Kathryn Bowen is a leading, internationally-recognised expert on the science and policy of sustainability (particularly climate change) and global health issues, with 20 years experience in original public health research, science assessment, capacity development and policy advice. Kathryn is regularly commissioned by international bilateral and multilateral agencies (e.g. WHO, UNEP, UNDP, ADB, GIZ, DFAT) to co-design solutions for sustainable futures. Her career highlight to date has been her nomination by the Australian Government to be a Lead Author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Health Chapter. Kathryn holds a joint position at Melbourne Climate Futures and as Professor - Environment, Climate and Global Health in the School of Population and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne.

Kathryn Bowen
Professor Kathryn Bowen

Profesor Kathryn Bowen adalah pakar di bidang sains dan kebijakan keberlanjutan (khususnya perubahan iklim), serta masalah kesehatan global, dengan pengalaman 20 tahun dalam penelitian kesehatan masyarakat, penilaian sains, pengembangan kapasitas, dan saran kebijakan. Ia sering mendapat penugasan dari lembaga bilateral dan multilateral internasional (misalnya WHO, UNEP, UNDP, ADB, GIZ, DFAT) untuk merancang solusi bersama untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Di antara puncak karirnya hingga saat ini adalah pencalonannya oleh Pemerintah Australia untuk menjadi Lead Author Panel Antarpemerintah mengenai the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Health Chapter. Kathryn memegang posisi bersama di Melbourne Climate Futures dan sebagai Profesor - Environment, Climate and Global Health di  the School of Population and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne.

Mr Andri Akbar Marthen

Mr Andri Akbar Marthen is the Co-Founder & Research Director of Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). He has more than 20 years of experience in various legal professions, such as a corporate lawyer, legal counsel for national governments and international organizations, and a legal researcher in international research institutes. With an educational background as a corporate lawyer, he initially worked in drafting contracts and legal documents relating to corporate actions on environmental protection and natural resources management. Andri started expanding his focus and skills in developing domestic and global climate change architecture when the Government of Indonesia assigned him as the external legal advisor to the Government Delegates to the UNFCCC COP-13 in 2007.

Afterwards, he broadened and deepened his knowledge of the legal and institutional issues of market-based payments, forest conservation, and REDD+ in the context of climate change negotiation and served his country as the lead legal counsel for the FCPF Emission Reductions Payment Agreement for the REDD+ Jurisdictional Approach in East Kalimantan Province concluded between the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank. He is also one of the members of the Expert Team for the Amendment of the Law on Energy initiated and prepared by the Senate of Indonesia. Andri’s current research interest has focused more on the legal and institutional issues of carbon trading, climate resilience finance, carbon pricing, just energy transition, and other matters related to decarbonization and climate resilience in Indonesia and internationally. Capitalizing on his domestic and global climate change legal architecture experiences, in mid-December 2020, he co-founded IRID with his three colleagues.

Mr Andri Akbar Marthen
Mr Andri Akbar Marthen

Andri Akbar Marthen adalah Co-Founder & Direktur Riset Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID). Ia memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di berbagai profesi hukum, seperti pengacara perusahaan, penasihat hukum untuk pemerintah nasional dan organisasi internasional, dan peneliti hukum di lembaga penelitian internasional. Dengan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai pengacara perusahaan, ia awalnya bekerja dalam penyusunan kontrak dan dokumen hukum yang berkaitan dengan aksi korporasi perlindungan lingkungan dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Andri mulai memperluas fokus dan keterampilannya dalam mengembangkan arsitektur perubahan iklim domestik dan global ketika Pemerintah Indonesia menugaskannya sebagai penasihat hukum eksternal Delegasi Pemerintah untuk UNFCCC COP-13 pada tahun 2007.

Setelah itu, ia memperluas dan memperdalam pengetahuannya tentang masalah hukum dan kelembagaan pembayaran berbasis pasar, konservasi hutan, dan REDD+ dalam konteks negosiasi perubahan iklim dan mewakili negara sebagai penasihat hukum utama untuk Perjanjian Pembayaran Pengurangan Emisi FCPF untuk Pendekatan Yurisdiksi REDD+ di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Dunia. Ia juga merupakan salah satu anggota Tim Ahli Perubahan Undang-Undang Energi yang diprakarsai dan disiapkan oleh Senat Indonesia. Minat penelitian Andri saat ini lebih terfokus pada masalah hukum dan kelembagaan perdagangan karbon, pembiayaan ketahanan iklim, penetapan harga karbon, transisi energi yang adil, dan hal-hal lain yang terkait dengan dekarbonisasi dan ketahanan iklim di Indonesia dan internasional. Memanfaatkan pengalaman arsitektur hukum perubahan iklim domestik dan globalnya, pada pertengahan Desember 2020, ia ikut mendirikan IRID bersama tiga rekannya.

Panel Chair

Dr Rachael Diprose

Dr Rachael Diprose is the Director-International and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) in the Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne. She teaches in the Master of Development Studies program, is the SSPS representative that supports collaborations and partnerships with Indonesian universities, government and civil society organisations, and has been the Convener of the University’s Indonesia Forum over multiple years. Rachael has published widely for both academic and applied audiences from her research in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and West Africa. Her research has focused on the multidisciplinary themes of inequalities, inclusion, gender and development; peacebuilding and conflict transformation; multi-level governance and political settlements; and the political economy of different dimensions of rapid social and economic change. Formerly of the University of Oxford, Rachael has led many academic and applied mixed-methods research programs and has held advisory roles in research, policy and practice, globally and in Asia.

Her website, Demi Setara (or 'For Equality') shares research findings in a variety of forms from the most recent large-scale research project that she leads on Gender, Collective Action and Governance in Rural Indonesia, which also involves colleagues from Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia. She has long worked together with academics, civil society organisations, senior policy makers, and others, in both research and development, and continues to collaborate in initiatives with colleagues at Melbourne, SOAS, LSE, Oxford, Leiden, York, ANU, UGM, Universitas Indonesia, and elsewhere.

Dr Rachael Diprose
Dr Rachael Diprose

Dr Rachael Diprose adalah Direktur-Internasional dan Dosen Senior di School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) di Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. Ia mengajar di program Magister Studi Pembangunan dan juga merupakan perwakilan SSPS yang mendukung kolaborasi dan kemitraan dengan universitas, pemerintah, dan organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia, serta telah menjadi Penyelenggara Forum Indonesia selama beberapa tahun. Rachael telah menerbitkan secara luas untuk kalangan akademis dan terapan dari penelitiannya di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara dan Afrika Barat. Penelitiannya berfokus pada tema multidisiplin tentang ketidaksetaraan, inklusi, gender, dan pembangunan; pembangunan perdamaian dan transformasi konflik; pemerintahan multi-level dan penyelesaian politik; serta ekonomi politik dari berbagai dimensi perubahan sosial dan ekonomi yang cepat. Sebelumnya dari Universitas Oxford, Rachael telah memimpin banyak program penelitian metode campuran akademik dan terapan dan telah memegang peran penasihat dalam penelitian, kebijakan dan praktik, secara global dan di Asia.

Situs webnya “Demi Setara(For Equality), menyajikan temuan penelitian dalam berbagai bentuk dari proyek penelitian skala besar terbaru yang dipimpinnya tentang Gender, Aksi Kolektif dan Tata Kelola di Pedesaan Indonesia. Proyek tersebut juga melibatkan rekan-rekan dari The University of Melbourne dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia. Ia telah lama bekerja sama dengan akademisi, organisasi masyarakat sipil, pembuat kebijakan senior, dan lainnya, baik dalam penelitian maupun pengembangan, dan terus berkolaborasi dalam inisiatif dengan rekan-rekannya di Melbourne, SOAS, LSE, Oxford, Leiden, York, ANU, UGM, Universitas Indonesia, dan lain-lain.

Panel Chair

Dr Fina Itriyati

Dr Fina Itriyati is a sociologist and teaching staff and researcher at the Department of Sociology, UGM. Fina completed her doctoral studies in Anthropology at the Research School of Humanities and The Arts (RSHA), The Australian National University (ANU). Her fields of study are gender and disability, ethnography, disaster, embodiment and intersectionality. In addition, Fina is also a member of the Indonesian Sociological Association, the International Sociological Association (ISA) and one of the editorial teams of the ISA Global Dialogue Newsletter for the Indonesian region. Currently she holds the position as the Vice Dean of Collaboration, Alumni and Research Affair at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Fina Itriyati
Dr Fina Itriyati

Dr Fina Itriyati adalah sosiolog dan staf pengajar dan peneliti di Departemen Sosiologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Fina menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di bidang Antropologi di Research School of Humanities and The Arts (RSHA), The Australian National University (ANU). Bidang kajian yang ia tekuni adalah gender dan disabilitas, etnografi, bencana, embodiment, dan interseksionalitas. Selain itu, Fina juga adalah anggota Ikatan Sosiologi Indonesia, International Sociological Association (ISA) dan salah satu tim editor ISA Global Dialogue Newsletter wilayah Indonesia. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Dekan Bidang Kerja Sama, Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Alumni, FISIPOL UGM.

Panel three

Ms Ewa Wojkowska

Ms Ewa Wojkowska is the COO and Co-Founder of Kopernik, an award winning Indonesia-based organisation that focuses on finding effective solutions to social and environmental challenges faced by underserved communities. Before Kopernik, Ewa spent a decade working for the United Nations and the World Bank in several Asian and African countries. She has been recognised as a Rutgers University Social Entrepreneur of the Year, an Asia Society Asia 21 Young Leader and an Ashoka Fellow. She is the co-creator of the Pulau Plastik (Plastic Island) film and a host of the Soundtrack of Resistance podcast.

Ms Ewa Wojkowska

Ewa Wojkowska adalah COO dan Co-Founder Kopernik, sebuah organisasi yang berbasis di Indonesia dan telah mendapatkan penghargaan yang berfokus pada menemukan solusi efektif untuk beragam tantangan sosial dan lingkungan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok masyarakat kurang mampu. Sebelum aktif di Kopernik, Ewa bekerja selama satu dekade untuk Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) dan Bank Dunia di beberapa negara di Asia dan Afrika. Ia mendapat gelar sebagai Rutgers University Social Entrepreneur of the Year, Asia Society Asia 21 Young Leader, dan adalah salah satu Ashoka Fellow. Ewa adalah co-creator untuk film Pulau Plastik (Plastic Island) dan pembawa acara podcast Soundtrack of Resistance.

Dr Lara Stevens

Dr Lara Stevens is an arts researcher at The University of Melbourne. Her research looks at how the performing arts is involved in responding to the climate emergency. Her work as an artist and advocate shows why women and girls are leading the world in climate action. Lara has taught theatre, performance, Gender Studies and the Environmental Humanities at Parkville and the Victorian College of the Arts since 2009. She was previously a Fellow in the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute (2018-2019) and in the Australian Centre (2014) at The University of Melbourne. Lara is an author of several books and currently a Research Associate in the Discovery Project ‘Towards an Australian Ecological Theatre’ at The University of Melbourne.

Lara Stevens
Dr Lara Stevens

Dr Lara Stevens adalah peneliti seni di The University of Melbourne. Ia meneliti bagaimana seni pertunjukan merespons darurat iklim. Karyanya sebagai seniman dan advokat menunjukkan mengapa perempuan dan anak perempuan memimpin dunia dalam aksi iklim. Lara telah mengajar teater, pertunjukan, Studi Gender, dan Humaniora Lingkungan di Parkville dan Victorian College of the Arts sejak 2009. Sebelumnya ia adalah Fellow di Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute (2018-2019) dan di Australian Centre (2014) di The University of Melbourne. Lara adalah penulis sejumlah buku dan saat ini menjadi research associate di Discovery Project 'Towards an Australian Ecological Theatre' The University of Melbourne.

Mr Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto

Mr Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto is a researcher at the Department of Sociology and Youth Studies Centre, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). He received his BA (Hons) in Sociology from UGM in 2015 and his Masters of Asian and Pacific Studies from The Australian National University in 2019. Gregorius’ research and engagement interests are in youth studies, contemporary art, media, and education. He has published his work in Geoforum, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, Environmental Education Research, and Jurnal Studi Pemuda. Gregorius also writes music for performance art and motion pictures through his Yogyakarta-based arts studio and collective enterprise Batu Studio.

Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto
Mr Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto

Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto adalah peneliti di Departemen Pusat Studi Sosiologi dan Kepemudaan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Ia memperoleh gelar BA (Hons) dalam bidang Sosiologi dari Departemen yang sama pada tahun 2015 dan gelar Master dalam Studi Asia dan Pasifik dari The Australian National University (ANU) pada tahun 2019. Minat penelitian dan keterlibatan Gregorius adalah dalam studi pemuda, seni kontemporer, media, dan pendidikan. Ia telah mempublikasikan karyanya di Geoforum, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, Environmental Education Research, dan Jurnal Studi Pemuda. Gregorius juga menulis musik untuk seni pertunjukan dan film dengan perusahaan kolektifnya Studio Batu, sebuah studio seni yang berbasis di Yogyakarta.

Professor Pam Nilan

Professor Pam Nilan is Conjoint Professor of sociology at the University of Newcastle, and Honorary Professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University. Professor Nilan specialises in the study of youth cultures, having conducted fieldwork research in Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. She is author or co-author of six books, including Global Youth (Routledge, 2006), Ambivalent Adolescents in Indonesia (Routledge 2013), Youth, Space and Time (Boston & Leiden, Brill, 2016), Muslim Youth in the Diaspora: Challenging Extremism through Popular Culture (Routledge, 2017), and Young People and the Far Right (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). She has been a chief investigator on a number of externally-funded research projects concerning youth. Professor Nilan is a member of the Advisory Board for the Australian Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies in Melbourne.

Pam Nilan
Professor Pam Nilan

Pam Nilan adalah Conjoint Professor of sociology di Newcastle University, dan Honorary Professor di Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University. Profesor Nilan mengkhususkan diri dalam studi budaya anak muda, setelah melakukan penelitian lapangan di Indonesia, Fiji dan Australia. Ia adalah penulis atau penulis bersama untuk enam buku, termasuk Global Youth (Routledge, 2006), Ambivalent Adolescents in Indonesia  (Routledge 2013), Youth, Space and Time (Boston & Leiden, Brill, 2016), Muslim Youth in the Diaspora: Challenging Extremism through Popular Culture (Routledge, 2017), dan Young People and the Far Right (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Ia telah menjadi kepala penyidik di sejumlah proyek penelitian mengenai pemuda. Profesor Nilan adalah anggota Dewan Penasihat untuk Asosiasi Studi Islam dan Muslim Australia di Melbourne.

Dr Virginia Marshall

Dr Virginia Marshall is Principal Solicitor/Director in her law firm, Triple BL Legal, practising in native title, Traditional Knowledge protection and human rights. Virginia is also the inaugural Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellow with the Schools of Regulation & Global Governance, and Fenner Environment and Science, at The Australian National University (ANU). She is the leading legal scholar on Indigenous Australian water rights, recognised by the University of Victoria BC as a Distinguished Woman Scholar, and the author of the award-winning seminal book Overturning Aqua Nullius (2017).

Virginia is also the Co-Chair of the national Committee on Aboriginal Water Interests to reform the National Water Initiative, and a member of the ANU’s ‘Climate Change Institute’. She is a Water Expert for the World Economic Forum, and the Australia Capital Territory Champion, human rights adviser and Executive Board member with the Indigenous Peoples Organisation (Australia). She was selected as a UN Pacific Delegate to COP26 in Glasgow 2021 for the Indigenous Peoples Platform meetings, is a co-drafter of the Universal Periodic Review (Australia’s Report Card), and has provided recommendations for the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) and the  UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Virginia Marshall
Dr Virginia Marshall

Dr Virginia Marshall adalah Pengacara Utama/Direktur di firma hukumnya, Triple BL Legal, yang berfokus pada native title, Traditional Knowledge protection dan HAM. Virginia juga adalah Inaugural Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellow di Schools of Regulation & Global Governance & Fenner Environment and Science, Australian National University (ANU). Ia adalah sarjana hukum terkemuka tentang Indigenous Australian water rights dan diakui oleh University of Victoria BC sebagai Distinguished Woman Scholar dan penulis seminal book pemenang penghargaan Overturning Aqua Nullius (2017).

Virginia adalah Ketua Bersama Komite Nasional untuk Aboriginal Water Interests untuk mereformasi National Water Initiative dan anggota 'Institut Perubahan Iklim' ANU. Ia adalah seorang Ahli Air untuk Forum Ekonomi Dunia, Champion untuk Australia Capital Territory, penasihat hak asasi manusia dan Anggota Dewan Eksekutif untuk Organisasi Masyarakat Adat (Australia). Virginia terpilih sebagai anggota Delegasi Pasifik PBB di COP26 Glasgow 2021 untuk pertemuan Masyarakat Adat, penulis bersama (co-drafter) untuk penulisan naskah Universal Periodic Review (Australia’s Report Card), serta telah memberikan rekomendasi untuk Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) dan Forum Permanen PBB untuk Isu-Isu Masyarakat Adat.

Ms Yuyun Ismawati

Ms Yuyun Ismawati is a co-founder and Senior Advisor of Nexus3, formerly known as the BaliFokus Foundation, a non profit organisation working towards a just, toxic-free, and sustainable future. She has broad and rich experiences in urban environmental management issues, environmental health, and toxicity and waste issues. A participatory approach, stakeholder engagement, and working towards systemic change are the main approaches and tools Yuyun uses for her interventions in environmental and health issues.

Yuyun holds an Environmental Engineering Bachelors degree from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia and a Masters of Science in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford. She received the Goldman Environmental Prize 2009, is a Fellow of LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development), and is an Ashoka Fellow. Yuyun is also a part-time social entrepreneur interested in creating systemic changes to respond to environmental problems, mainly through Public-Private-People Partnerships.

Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega
Ms Yuyun Ismawati

Ms Yuyun Ismawati adalah salah satu pendiri dan Penasihat Senior Nexus3, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Yayasan BaliFokus, sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang bekerja menuju masa depan yang adil, bebas racun, dan berkelanjutan. Ia memiliki pengalaman yang luas dan mendalam terkait masalah pengelolaan lingkungan perkotaan, kesehatan lingkungan, serta masalah toksisitas dan limbah. Pendekatan partisipatif, pelibatan pemangku kepentingan, dan bekerja menuju perubahan sistemik adalah pendekatan dan alat utama yang digunakan Yuyun untuk intervensinya dalam masalah lingkungan dan kesehatan.

Yuyun meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik Lingkungan dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia dan gelar Master of Science di bidang Perubahan dan Manajemen Lingkungan dari the University of Oxford. Dia menerima Goldman Environmental Prize 2009, Fellow di LEAD (Kepemimpinan untuk Lingkungan dan Pembangunan), dan terpilih sebagai Ashoka Fellow. Yuyun juga seorang wirausahawan sosial paruh waktu yang tertarik untuk menciptakan perubahan sistemik untuk menanggapi masalah lingkungan, terutama melalui Kemitraan Publik-Swasta-Masyarakat.

Dr Stibiniati Atmadja

Dr Stibniati (Nia) Atmadja is a scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), based in Indonesia (2008-2015), Ethiopia (2015-2019), and currently in Montpellier, France, hosted by CIRAD Forest & Society Research Unit. Her work focuses on forest, climate change and livelihood interactions in tropical countries. Since she joined CIFOR in 2008, she has conducted research on REDD+ on various themes This includes understanding and evaluating the impact of REDD+ on local livelihoods and wellbeing, national climate financial mechanisms and how they impact gender and poverty reduction, and global REDD+ financing systems.

Nia obtained her PhD in Natural Resource Economics and her Masters in Economics from North Carolina State University, and double bachelor degrees in Environmental Science and Economics in Murdoch University, Western Australia. She manages and is updating the International REDD+ projects database (ID-RECCO), one of the largest and most comprehensive open database on REDD+ projects in the world.

Stibniati Atmadja
Dr Stibniati (Nia) Atmadja

Dr Stibniati (Nia) Atmadja adalah ilmuwan di Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional (CIFOR), yang berbasis di Indonesia (2008-2015), Ethiopia (2015-2019), dan saat ini di Montpellier, Prancis, (diselenggarakan oleh Unit Penelitian CIRAD Forest & Society). Karyanya berfokus pada hutan, perubahan iklim, dan interaksi mata pencaharian di negara-negara tropis. Sejak bergabung dengan CIFOR pada tahun 2008, Nia telah melakukan penelitian tentang REDD+ dengan berbagai tema. Ini termasuk pemahaman dan evaluasi dampak REDD+ terhadap mata pencaharian dan kesejahteraan lokal, mekanisme keuangan iklim nasional dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap gender dan pengurangan kemiskinan, dan sistem pembiayaan REDD+ global.

Nia memperoleh gelar PhD di bidang Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Magister Ekonomi dari North Carolina State University, dan gelar sarjana ganda di bidang Ilmu Lingkungan dan Ekonomi di Murdoch University, Australia Barat. Ia mengelola dan memperbarui database proyek REDD+ Internasional (ID-RECCO), salah satu database terbuka terbesar dan terlengkap tentang proyek-proyek REDD+ di dunia.

Panel Chair

Mr Kevin Evans

Mr Kevin Evans is the Indonesia Director of the Australia-Indonesia Centre. He has worked as a diplomat, stockbroker, academic and NGO activist and during the past thirty years he has lived in Indonesia. With the onset of political reform in Indonesia in1998, Kevin initially worked inside the presidential team that drafted the first post-Suharto-era laws, which promoted the democratisation of the political system. Later, Kevin lived for four years in Aceh working on post-tsunami reconstruction with government ministers to create policies and lead institutions focused on corruption prevention.

Prior to joining the Australia-Indonesia Centre, Kevin worked closely with the President’s Delivery Unit (Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan - UKP4), advising on a number of environmental governance programs. Kevin’s interest in electoral politics has led him to develop his own website that transforms Indonesian election results into colourful charts, tables and maps, together with research and other writing.

Mr Kevin Evans
Mr Kevin Evans

Kevin Evans adalah Direktur Indonesia untuk Australia-Indonesia Centre. Dia telah bekerja sebagai diplomat, pialang saham, akademisi dan aktivis LSM, dan selama tiga puluh tahun terakhir telah tinggal di Indonesia. Dengan dimulainya reformasi politik di Indonesia pada tahun 1998, Kevin awalnya bekerja di tim kepresidenan yang menyusun undang-undang pertama pasca-Soeharto, yang mempromosikan demokratisasi sistem politik. Kevin sempat tinggal selama empat tahun di Aceh mengerjakan rekonstruksi pascatsunami bersama para menteri untuk membuat kebijakan dan memimpin lembaga yang berfokus pada pencegahan korupsi.

Sebelum bergabung dengan Australia-Indonesia Centre, Kevin bekerja erat dengan Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4), memberikan nasihat tentang sejumlah program tata kelola lingkungan. Minat Kevin pada politik elektoral telah mendorongnya untuk mengembangkan situs webnya sendiri yang mentransformasi hasil pemilu Indonesia ke dalam tampilan bagan, tabel dan peta kaya warna, bersama dengan hasil riset dan penulisan lainnya.

Panel Chair

Dr Fina Itriyati

Dr Fina Itriyati is a sociologist and teaching staff and researcher at the Department of Sociology, UGM. Fina completed her doctoral studies in Anthropology at the Research School of Humanities and The Arts (RSHA), The Australian National University (ANU). Her fields of study are gender and disability, ethnography, disaster, embodiment and intersectionality. In addition, Fina is also a member of the Indonesian Sociological Association, the International Sociological Association (ISA) and one of the editorial teams of the ISA Global Dialogue Newsletter for the Indonesian region. Currently she holds the position as the Vice Dean of Collaboration, Alumni and Research Affair at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Fina Itriyati
Dr Fina Itriyati

Dr Fina Itriyati adalah sosiolog dan staf pengajar dan peneliti di Departemen Sosiologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Fina menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di bidang Antropologi di Research School of Humanities and The Arts (RSHA), The Australian National University (ANU). Bidang kajian yang ia tekuni adalah gender dan disabilitas, etnografi, bencana, embodiment, dan interseksionalitas. Selain itu, Fina juga adalah anggota Ikatan Sosiologi Indonesia, International Sociological Association (ISA) dan salah satu tim editor ISA Global Dialogue Newsletter wilayah Indonesia. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Dekan Bidang Kerja Sama, Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Alumni, FISIPOL UGM.

Panel four

Associate Professor Brendan Cullen

Associate Professor Brendan Cullen is a Senior Lecturer in grazing systems in the Faculty of Veterinary & Agricultural Sciences at The University of Melbourne. Over the last 15 years, Brendan has worked on a series of research projects with the dairy and red meat industries to understand the impacts of projected climate changes on livestock production businesses across Australia. The research aims to identify industry pathways that are adapted to a variable and changing climate. Brendan has completed a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree and PhD on pasture plant ecophysiology from The University of Melbourne.

Brendan Cullen
Associate Professor Brendan Cullen

Associate Professor Brendan Cullen adalah Dosen Senior di bidang grazing systems, the Faculty of Veterinary & Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne. Selama 15 tahun terakhir, Brendan telah mengerjakan serangkaian proyek penelitian dengan industri susu dan daging merah untuk memahami dampak perubahan iklim pada bisnis produksi ternak di seluruh Australia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana industri ini beradaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim.  Brendan menyelesaikan pendidikan Bachelor of Agricultural Science dan PhD di bidang pasture plant ecophysiology dari The University of Melbourne.

Professor Arya Hadi Dharmawan

Arya Hadi Dharmawan is Professor of Political Ecology at the Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University), where he is teaching about political ecology, human ecology, environmental governance and green social theories. He holds a Master’s degree in Integrated Tropical Agriculture and Forestry and a Doctoral degree in Rural-Agricultural Sociology and Socio-economy of Rural Development, both from Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany. Over the last decade, Arya and his team have been conducting various research projects on the topic of agricultural expansions, with a particular focus on oil palm plantations in Indonesia.

Arya Hadi
Professor Arya Hadi Dharmawan

Profesor Arya Hadi Dharmawan adalah pengajar di Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Saat ini, Arya mengajar sejumlah mata kuliah di antaranya: ekologi politik, ekologi manusia, tata lingkungan dan teori sosial hijau. Ia meraih gelar master dalam bidang Pertanian Tropis dan Kehutanan Terpadu dan gelar doktor dalam Sosiologi Pedesaan-Pertanian dan Sosial Ekonomi Pembangunan Pedesaan, keduanya dari Georg-August University of Göttingen, Jerman. Selama satu dekade terakhir, bersama dengan timnya, Arya melakukan berbagai penelitian dengan topik ekspansi pertanian dengan fokus khusus pada perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia.

Ms Serenity Hill

Ms Serenity Hill is a co-founder of the Open Food Network, and a Director of both Open Food Foundation and Open Food Network Australia. Serenity’s work with the Open Food Network focuses on sector and enterprise development – advocacy, research and project development and implementation to expand regenerative agriculture in Australia and the values-based supply networks that undergird it.

Serenity has extensive experience in policy development in government most recently in climate adaptation, and in delivery of large-scale projects for government clients. Serenity comes from long lines of farmers on both sides of her family.  She is a regenerative farmer, and is passionate about developing solutions that deal with the multitude of barriers to expansion of ecological farming across the country.  She works strategically at multiple levels to enable practical and groundbreaking action.

Serenity Hill
Ms Serenity Hill

Serenity Hill adalah salah satu pendiri Open Food Network, Direktur Open Food Foundation dan Open Food Network Australia. Melalui Open Food Network, Serenity berfokus pada pengembangan kewirausahaan, advokasi, penelitian dan serta implementasi proyek untuk memperluas pertanian regeneratif di Australia berbasis jaringan rantai pasok.

Serenity memiliki pengalaman luas dalam pengembangan kebijakan pemerintahan terkait adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim, dan mengimplementasikan berbagai proyek berskala besar yang dibiayai pemerintah. Serenity berasal dari keluarga yang memiliki sejarah panjang di sektor pertanian. Serenity adalah seorang petani yang bersemangat mengembangkan solusi untuk menangani berbagai hambatan dalam perluasan pertanian ekologis di seluruh negeri. Ia juga bekerja secara strategis di berbagai tingkatan untuk mendorong adanya inovasi dan tindakan praksis.

Mr Olivier Tichit

Mr Olivier Tichit is the Director of Sustainability of P.T. Musim Mas, a global, integrated palm products company and places sustainability at the core of its business.  Olivier represents Musim Mas in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), where he Co-Chairs the Board Standing Committee for Standards, and is Treasurer of the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) Executive Committee. Prior to joining Musim Mas, Olivier was the Group Head of Sustainability of SIPEF, a Belgian plantation company present in Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Earlier, he was the Indonesia Country Manager for Ecom Agroindustrial, and spearheaded coffee smallholders certifications. Olivier is a tropical agronomist by training, and has been working in South-East Asia for the past twenty-five years.

Olivier Tichit
Mr Olivier Tichit

Olivier Tichit adalah Director of Sustainability di P.T. Musim Mas, perusahaan produk sawit global yang mengutamakan keberlanjutan (sustainability) sebagai inti bisnisnya. Olivier mewakili Musim Mas Group di Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), dan co-chair dari Board Standing Committee for Standards, serta Executive Committee di High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA). Sebelum bergabung dengan Musim Mas, Olivier adalah Group Head of Sustainability SIPEF, perusahaan perkebunan Belgia yang beroperasi di Pantai Gading, Indonesia dan Papua Nugini. Sebelumnya, ia juga menjabat sebagai Country Manager Indonesia untuk Ecom Agroindustrial, yang mempelopori sertifikasi petani kopi. Olivier adalah ahli agronomi tropis dan telah bekerja di Asia Tenggara selama dua puluh lima tahun terakhir.

Mr Norman Jiwan

Mr Norman Jiwan is a Kerambai Dayak from West Kalimantan, and an NGO activist. From 2004 until 2012 he worked for the Indonesian NGO SawitWatch, where he acted as director of research and advocacy, and represented the NGO in several working groups and task forces linked to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. In 2012 Norman was chosen to participate in the University of California’s (Berkeley) Environmental Leadership Program.

Since then, he has gone on to co-author a number of books including Promised Land, Ghosts on Our Own Land, and Palm Oil Controversy from Transnational Perspective, and established the organisation Transformasi untuk Keadilan Indonesia (Transformation for Justice Indonesia) – TuK INDONESIA, which advocates for social justice in the agribusiness sector, where he continues to act as a consultant and a member of the Supervisory Board. He is currently an associate at Forest Peoples Programme, and continues to carry out research on behalf of a number of major international organisations.

Norman Jiwan
Mr Norman Jiwan

Norman Jiwan adalah seorang aktivis LSM dari masyarakat Dayak Karambai, Kalimantan Barat. Ia bekerja di LSM SawitWatch Indonesia sebagai Direktur Penelitian dan Advokasi sejak tahun 2004 hingga 2012. Norman juga mewakili SawitWatch dalam berbagai kelompok kerja dan gugus tugas di Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Pada tahun 2012, Norman terpilih untuk berpartisipasi dalam Program Kepemimpinan Lingkungan di the University of California, Berkeley.

Sejak itu, ia telah turut menulis sejumlah buku seperti; Tanah Perjanjian, Hantu di Tanah Kita Sendiri, dan Kontroversi Kelapa Sawit dari Perspektif Transnasional. Norman juga sebagai salah satu pendiri  organisasi Transformasi untuk Keadilan Indonesia (TuK INDONESIA) yang bertujuan untuk mengadvokasi keadilan sosial di sektor agribisnis. Di TUK Indonesia, Norman menjabat sebagai konsultan dan anggota Dewan Pengawas. Saat ini ia juga adalah mitra di Forest Peoples Programme, dan terus melakukan penelitian bersama sejumlah organisasi internasional.

Ms Gita Syahrani

Ms Gita Syahrani is the Executive Director to the Secretariat of Sustainable Districts Association (Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari/ LTKL) – an innovative districts association working towards sustainable land use through collective actions. Prior to this, Gita was a convener for the private sector coalition on sustainable palm oil under the Indonesia Palm Oil Pledge (IPOP) and a leading member of the Planning & Funding Deputy of the former National REDD+ Agency. Gita also convenes her own community movements, including ‘Hutan Itu Indonesia’, a positive campaign & movement to position forests as part of Indonesia’s identity, SiDalang & Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet, a waste management movement, and Social Corporate Lawyer Society (SocolaS), an effort to provide low-cost corporate legal service for SMEs, social enterprises and social movements.

Prior to her time with the National REDD+ Agency, she held a Senior Associate position and Lead Counsel for Green Investment and Climate Change division which she set-up at one of the first-tier independent corporate law firms in Indonesia. Gita is also serving as a member of the Permanent Committee of International Affairs at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KADIN). These efforts led her to be the 2017 selected leader on energy and sustainability for the US State Department IVLP program. In 2019, Gita was selected as one of a number of Asia 21 Young Leaders by the Global Asia Society, the only one from Indonesia. In 2020, she also became the first Indonesian to be selected as Henry Arnhold Fellow of Mulago Foundation which recognizes and supports leaders with scalable conservation solutions.

Gita Syahrani
Ms Gita Syahrani

Gita Syahrani adalah Direktur Eksekutif Sekretariat Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL), organisasi asosiasi kabupaten yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kebijakan inovatif menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui aksi kolektif. Sebelum di LTKL, Gita bekerja untuk memfasilitasi koalisi perusahaan kelapa sawit berkelanjutan melalui Indonesia Palm Oil Pledge (IPOP), dan juga sebagai anggota Deputi Perencanaan & Pendanaan Nasional REDD+. Selain itu, Gita juga memfasilitasi berbagai gerakan sosial seperti “Hutan itu Indonesia, untuk  membangun hutan sebagai bagian dari identitas Indonesia; SiDalang & Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet, untuk membangun gerakan pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat, dan Social Corporate Lawyer Society (SocolaS) untuk memberikan layanan hukum berbiaya rendah bagi UKM, kewirausahaan sosial dan gerakan sosial.

Sebelum bergabung dengan REDD+ Nasional, ia menjabat sebagai Senior Associate dan Penasihat Utama untuk Divisi Investasi Hijau dan Perubahan Iklim, yang juga mendirikan salah perusahaan firma hukum independen di Indonesia. Gita juga menjabat sebagai anggota Komite Tetap Urusan Internasional Kamar Dagang & Industri Indonesia (KADIN). Berbagai aktivitas ini membawanya terpilih sebagai salah satu pemimpin untuk bidang energi dan keberlanjutan di program IVLP Departemen Luar Negeri AS tahun 2017. Pada tahun 2019, Gita juga terpilih sebagai salah satu Asia 21 Young Leaders oleh Global Asia Society, satu-satunya dari Indonesia. Pada tahun 2020, ia juga menjadi orang Indonesia pertama yang terpilih sebagai Henry Arnhold Fellow dari Mulago Foundation yang mengapresiasi dan mendukung komitmen upaya membangun berbagai solusi untuk konservasi.

Associate Professor Kate Macdonald

Associate Professor Kate Macdonald is an ARC Future Fellow, School of Social and Political Science (SPSS), The University of Melbourne. Kate’s research focuses on transnational governance and accountability systems, especially in relation to transnational business regulation, and accountability in the international development sector. She has conducted research and consultancy work on these topics for a range of Australian and international organisations including the Forest Stewardship Council, Amnesty International, ActionAid Australia, Oxfam Australia and the UK’s Corporate Responsibility Coalition. She’s currently on the Board of the Jubilee Australia Research Foundation. Kate has published three books and over 50 journal articles, and is currently involved in research collaborations with institutional partners in various countries, including Indonesia, Peru, Ecuador, the UK and Canada.

Associate Professor Kate Macdonald

Associate Professor Kate Macdonald adalah ARC Future Fellow, School of Social and Political Science (SPSS), Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. Penelitian Kate berfokus pada tata kelola transnasional dan sistem akuntabilitas, terutama terkait dengan regulasi bisnis transnasional, dan akuntabilitas di sektor pembangunan internasional. Ia telah melakukan penelitian dan pekerjaan konsultasi mengenai topik ini untuk berbagai organisasi Australia dan internasional, termasuk Forest Stewardship Council, Amnesty International, ActionAid Australia, Oxfam Australia dan Corporate Responsibility Coalition di Inggris. Kate saat ini menjabat sebagai dewan penasihat Jubilee Australia Research Foundation. Kate telah menerbitkan tiga buku dan lebih dari 50 jurnal artikel, dan saat ini tengah terlibat dalam kolaborasi penelitian dengan lembaga mitra di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, Peru, Ekuador, Inggris dan Kanada.

Dr Bahruddin

Dr Bahruddin is a lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Faculty of Social and Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesia. He obtained his PhD degree from The University of Melbourne in 2020 within the thesis entitled “The effects of Public Voluntary Regulation (PVR) on environmental and social performance in developing country contexts: across sectors and firms in Indonesia”. He also participated in the program Managing Global Governance (MGG) at the German Development Institute. His research focuses on voluntary sustainability standards, regulatory governance, and environmental regulation. He has also been working as the external expert for the Industrial Environmental Rating Program (PROPER) at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia.

Dr Bahruddin

Dr Bahruddin adalah dosen di Departemen Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan, Fakultas Sosial dan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia. Ia memperoleh gelar PhD dari University of Melbourne pada tahun 2020 dengan disertasi berjudul “The effects of Public Voluntary Regulation (PVR) on environmental and social performance in developing country contexts: across sectors and firms in Indonesia”. Ia juga terpilih menjadi salah satu wakil Indonesia dalam program Managing Global Governance (MGG) yang diselenggarakan oleh German Development Institute. Saat ini, penelitiannya fokus pada standar keberlanjutan sukarela, tata kelola regulasi, dan regulasi lingkungan. Bahruddin juga aktif menjadi tenaga ahli untuk Program Penilaian Peringkat Perusahaan dalam lingkungan Hidup (PROPER) di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Republik Indonesia.

Panel five

Mr Ridwan Kamil

Dr (H.C.) H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, ST., M.U.D., better known as Kang Emil, is the Governor of West Java and an architect. Prior to his current position, he was the Mayor of Bandung between 2013-2018. He earned his bachelor's degree in architecture from the Bandung Institute of Technology. He began his career in the United States shortly after his undergraduate degree and stayed in the country during the Indonesian monetary crisis. He received a scholarship to study at the University of California, Berkeley in 1999 and finished in 2001 with a Masters degree in Urban Design.

During his service as the Mayor of Bandung, he initiated a concept called Smart City Bandung which integrates technology innovation, government service, and interconnectivity between its citizens and vital areas within the city. This concept was  also implemented in West Java when Kang Emil was elected Governor. He transformed West Java into a pioneer digital province in Indonesia. As an architect, he has won several awards, including the British Council's Young Creative Entrepreneur Award in 2006, representing Indonesia in the International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year award. Urbane Indonesia, a Bandung-based architecture firm that he founded, was listed in the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards from 2008 to 2010 and again in 2012.

Ridwan Kamil
Dr (H.C.) H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, ST., M.U.D.

Dr (H.C.) H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, ST., M.U.D., yang akrab disapa Kang Emil, adalah Gubernur Jawa Barat dan seorang arsitek. Sebelum menjabat sebagai Gubernur, ia merupakan Walikota Bandung periode 2013-2018. Ia meraih gelar sarjana di bidang arsitektur dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Ia merintis karir di Amerika Serikat tidak lama setelah lulus pendidikan Sarjana dan tinggal di negara tersebut selama krisis moneter melanda Indonesia. Ia mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi di University of California, Berkeley pada tahun 1999 dan selesai pada tahun 2001 dengan gelar Master Desain Urban.

Selama menjabat sebagai Walikota Bandung, ia menginisiasi sebuah konsep yang dinamakan Smart City Bandung yang mengintegrasikan inovasi teknologi, pelayanan pemerintah, dan interkonektivitas antara warga dan area-area penting di dalam kota. Konsep ini kemudian diimplementasikan di tingkat provinsi ketika Kang Emil terpilih menjadi Gubernur. Ia menjadikan Jawa Barat sebagai pioner provinsi digital di Indonesia. Sebagai seorang arsitek, Kang Emil telah mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan, diantaranya British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur Award pada tahun 2006, mewakili Indonesia pada penghargaan International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year. Urbane Indonesia, sebuah firma arsitektur di Bandung yang ia dirikan, terdaftar dalam BCI Asia Top 10 Awards dari tahun 2008 hingga 2010, serta pada tahun 2012.

Professor Alexander Felson

Professor Alexander Felson is a landscape architect and senior certified ecologist, applying design, planning, and applied ecology to advance climate adapted urban ecosystems and resilient liveable cities. He is the University of Melbourne’s Elisabeth Murdoch Chair of Landscape Architecture. He directed the NYC Reforestation Plan (MillionTreesNYC) at EDAW/AECOM. He founded the Urban Ecology and Design Lab and Ecopolitan Design at Yale University and taught jointly between the School of Environmental Studies and Architecture as an associate professor. He built bioretention gardens in Bridgeport and founded the Earth Stewardship Initiative (www.earthstewardshipinitiative) working through research-based community design.

He served as the Deputy Executive Director for the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation and as Associate Research Scientist in UConn's Marine Sciences. Felson holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from Rutgers University, an MLA from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, and an MS in Land Resources from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Professor Alexander Felson

Profesor Alexander Felson adalah seorang arsitek lansekap dan ahli ekologi senior bersertifikat, yang menerapkan desain, perencanaan, dan ekologi terapan untuk memajukan ekosistem perkotaan yang beradaptasi dengan iklim dan kota-kota layak huni yang tangguh. Ia adalah Elisabeth Murdoch Chair of Landscape Architecture, The University of Melbourne. Ia memimpin  the NYC Reforestation Plan (MillionTreesNYC) di EDAW/AECOM. Ia mendirikan Urban Ecology and Design Lab dan Ecopolitan Design di Yale University dan adalah pengajar dan associate professor untuk the School of Environmental Studies and Architecture. Ia membangun taman bioretensi di Bridgeport dan mendirikan Earth Stewardship Initiative (www.earthstewardshipinitiative) yang bekerja melalui desain komunitas berbasis penelitian.

Ia menjabat sebagai Deputy Executive Director for the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation and as Associate Research Scientist di UConn's Marine Sciences. Ia meraih gelar Ph.D. dalam bidang Ecology and Evolution dari Rutgers University, MLA dari Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, dan MS dalam Land Resources dari the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Dr Dwinanti Rika Marthanty

Dr Dwinanti Rika Marthanty is a Senior Lecturer, researcher and engineer at the Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. Since 2020 she has served as head of the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Rivers at the same department. Since 2016, she has been an active member of the International Association of Hydro-environmental Researchers (IAHR), and International Association Hydrological Research (IAHS). In 2018 she was awarded an Australia-APEC Women in Research Fellowship, from the Australian Department of Education and Training. In 2016, she completed a dual  PhD degree in Civil Engineering from Université de Lille 1, France and from Universitas Indonesia. Since 2021 she has been a Co-Principal Investigator for the project “Citarum Transformation: A Living Laboratory for International Research and Impact” funded by the Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge and Innovation Grant of Australian Government.

In 2019 – 2021, she was (1) a principal investigator at Universitas Indonesia for “International Research Collaboration with Monash University: Scaling up Water Sensitive Urban Design from Bogor City Level to Citarum River Catchment, West Java Province” funded by the Ministry of National Education and Culture, (2) a co-investigator Water for Women project funded by DFAT of Australia with the University of Technology Sydney: “Transitioning to safely‐managed water services in self‐supply contexts: Risks and opportunities for vulnerable populations in urban Indonesia and climate‐affected Vanuatu”. In 2017 – 2018, she was (1) a co-leader for the Water Sensitive City Research Collaboration between Universitas Indonesia, IPB and Monash University, funded by Urban Water Cluster Australia Indonesia Centre and (2) co-investigator at Universitas Indonesia for the collaborative research project “Testing novel tracers to identify sources of contamination to the Ciliwung River”, funded by Australian National University – Indonesia Project and Charles Darwin University – Faculty of Engineering, Health Science and the Environment. Some of her publications can be found on ResearchGate and Google Scholar.

Dr Dwinanti
Dr Dwinanti Rika Marthanty

Dr Dwinanti Rika Marthanty adalah Dosen Senior, peneliti dan insinyur di Departemen Teknik Sipil, Universitas Indonesia (UI). Sejak tahun 2020 ia menjabat sebagai kepala Laboratorium Hidrolik, Hidrologi dan Sungai di departemen yang sama. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif International Association Hydro-environmental Researchers (IAHR) dan International Association Hydrological Research (IAHS) sejak tahun 2016. Pada tahun 2018, ia dianugerahi Australian-APEC Women in Research Fellowship dari Departemen Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Australia. Di 2016 ia meraih gelar doktor ganda di bidang Teknik Sipil dari Universite de Lille 1, Perancis dan UI. Sejak 2021 Dr Dwinanti adalah salah satu Investigator Utama untuk proyek “Citarum Transformation: A Living Laboratory for International Research and Impact” yang dibiayai oleh Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge and Innovation Grant Pemerintah Australia.

Sebelumnya pada tahun 2019-2021, (1) ia juga merupakan investigator utama di UI untuk proyek berjudul “International Research Collaboration dengan Monash University: Scaling up Water Sensitive Urban Design from Bogor City Level to Citarum River Catchment, West Java Province”, yang didanai oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional dan Kebudayaan serta (2) salah satu investigator utama Water for Women yang didanai DFAT Australia dan University of Technology Sydney: “Transition to safely-managed water services in self-supply contexts: Risks and opportunities for vulnerable populations in Indonesia and climate-affected Vanuatu.” Pada tahun 2017-2018, ia merupakan (1) co-leader Water Sensitive City Research Collaboration antara UI, IPB dan Monash University, didanai oleh Urban Water Cluster Australia Indonesia Centre dan (2) co-investigator di UI untuk proyek penelitian bersama “Testing novel tracers to identify sources of contamination to the Ciliwung River”, yang dibiayai oleh Australian National University – Indonesia Project dan Charles Darwin University – Faculty of Engineering, Health Science and the Environment. Beberapa publikasi Dr Dwinanti dapat ditemukan di situs web ResearchGate dan Google Scholar.

Dr Alan March

Dr Alan March is Professor in Urban Planning, Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne. He undertakes research and teaching in the area of urban planning and disaster risk reduction, including bushfire. Alan has twice won the Global Planning Education Network prize for Best International Planning Paper (2007, 2011). Alan was an Associate of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute and has been the Leader of the research theme Risk Resilience and Transformation & and of Cities and Towns.

Alan's publications and research include examination of the practical governance mechanisms of planning and urban design, in particular the ways that planning systems can successfully manage change and transition as circumstances change. He is particularly interested in the ways that planning and design can modify disaster risks, and researches urban design principles for bushfire. His current work also considers the ways that urban planning is seeking to establish new ways to spatialise urban management.

Alan March
Dr Alan March

Dr Alan March adalah Profesor Perencanaan Kota di Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne. Ia melakukan penelitian dan pengajaran di bidang perencanaan kota dan pengurangan risiko bencana, termasuk kebakaran hutan. Alan telah dua kali memenangkan Global Planning Education Network prize for Best International Planning Paper (2007, 2011). Alan adalah Associate dari Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute dan telah menjadi the Leader of the research theme Risk Resilience and Transformation & and of Cities and Towns.

Publikasi dan penelitian Alan mencakup pemeriksaan mekanisme tata kelola praktis perencanaan dan desain perkotaan, khususnya cara agar sistem perencanaan dapat berhasil mengelola perubahan dan transisi saat keadaan berubah. Ia sangat tertarik dengan cara perencanaan dan desain dapat memodifikasi risiko bencana, dan meneliti prinsip-prinsip desain perkotaan untuk kebakaran hutan. Karyanya saat ini juga mempertimbangkan cara-cara perencanaan kota berusaha untuk membangun cara-cara baru untuk mengatur tata ruang kota.

Ms Joanna Kormas

Ms Joanna Kormas is the Manager of Statutory Policy, Planning Systems Reform, and Planning Group in the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). She is a dedicated Victorian Public Servant with extensive state level planning and management experience. Her experience includes developing and implementing state government policy on hazards in the natural and built environments, such as coastal areas, airports and ports and bushfire challenges.

She also conducts strategic planning for coastal hazards and future risk and carries out amendments to the Victoria Planning Provisions - state planning provisions which form part of every planning scheme in Victoria - to give effect to State Government policy and strategy. Joanna is responsible for overseeing DELWP’s Coastal Planning Grants Program, which supports local government councils to implement coastal hazard assessments and risk analysis in local planning schemes.

Joanna Kormas
Ms Joanna Kormas

Joanna Kormas adalah Manager of Statutory Policy, Planning Systems Reform, and Planning Group di Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). Ia adalah pegawai negeri yang penuh dedikasi di Pemerintahan Negara Bagian Victoria dengan pengalaman luas di bidang perencanaan dan manajemen di tingkat negara bagian. Pengalamannya termasuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan kebijakan pemerintah negara bagian tentang bahaya di lingkungan alami dan buatan, seperti pesisir dan kebakaran hutan, bandara, dan pelabuhan.

Ia juga melakukan perencanaan strategis untuk bahaya pesisir dan risiko masa depan dan melakukan amandemen Ketentuan Perencanaan Negara Bagian Victoria - ketentuan perencanaan negara bagian yang merupakan bagian dari setiap skema perencanaan di Victoria - untuk memberikan efek pada kebijakan dan strategi Pemerintah Negara Bagian. Joanna bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi Program Hibah Perencanaan Pesisir DELWP, yang mendukung dewan pemerintah daerah untuk menerapkan penilaian bahaya pesisir dan analisis risiko dalam skema perencanaan lokal.

Dr Miya Irawati

Dr Miya Irawati is a Research Associate of Urban-Rural Systems (URS) and Future Cities Lab (FCL), ETH Zurich. She has practiced architecture and urban design in Indonesia and is also a green building practitioner. In the past, she engaged with several architect consultants in Jakarta and Bandung for green building design and simulation. With an interest focused on urban development and housing provision in the developing world, local economic development, and community empowerment, Miya has conducted various research projects ranging from policies to pilot initiatives in Indonesia. Her project with ETH Zurich on Expandable House is shortlisted for the 2022 Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Miya has a PhD in Geography from NUS and a Master of Science from Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin/ Helsinki Metropolia.

Dr Miya Irawati
Dr Miya Irawati

Dr Miya Irawati adalah Research Associate untuk Urban-Rural Systems (URS) dan Future Cities Lab (FCL), ETH Zurich. Ia adalah arsitek dan praktisi bangunan hijau di bidang desain perkotaan di Indonesia. Miya pernah berkolaborasi dengan sejumlah konsultan arsitek di Jakarta dan Bandung untuk desain dan simulasi bangunan hijau. Minatnya berfokus pada pembangunan perkotaan dan penyediaan perumahan di negara berkembang, pengembangan ekonomi lokal, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Ia telah melakukan berbagai proyek penelitian, termasuk kebijakan dan inisiatif percontohan di Indonesia. Proyeknya dengan ETH Zurich tentang Expandable House terpilih sebagai salah satu finalis untuk Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2022. Miya memiliki gelar PhD di bidang Geografi dari the National University of Singapore (NUS) dan Master of Science dari Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin/ Helsinki Metropolia.

Panel Chair

Professor Kate McGregor

Professor Kate McGregor is a historian of Indonesia, based in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, specialising in the history of modern Indonesia. The focus of her research to date has been on the Indonesian military, the Cold War, colonial violence, memory and activism, Indonesian women and the Japanese occupation. She has published four books and is completing a major monograph on transnational activism for Indonesian ‘comfort women’ to be published by the University of Wisconsin press in 2023. This is a major outcome of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. In 2021 she commenced work with Dr Ana Dragoljlovic on a new Australian Research Council funded project of memory activism around colonial violence. She is also collaborating with Dr Ken Setiawan, Dr Abdul Wahid and Dr Sadiah Boonstra on a book project entitled Rethinking Colonial History.

Kate teaches Southeast Asian and Asian history. She supervises broadly across the fields of Southeast history and gender studies. She is currently President of the Asian Studies Association of Australia and Deputy Associate Dean International (Indonesia) for the Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne. She has promoted ongoing collaborations between Australian and Indonesian researchers through her own research as well as through a range of programs within and outside The University of Melbourne including the Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiative.

Associate Professor Kate McGregor
Professor Kate McGregor

Professor Kate McGregor adalah sejarawan bidang Indonesia, yang berbasis di School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, dengan spesialisasi di bidang sejarah Indonesia modern. Fokus penelitiannya sampai saat ini adalah militer Indonesia, Perang Dingin, kekerasan kolonial, memori dan aktivisme, perempuan Indonesia dan pendudukan Jepang. Kate telah menerbitkan empat buku dan kini sedang menyelesaikan monograf tentang aktivisme transnasional tentang jugun ianfu Indonesia yang akan diterbitkan oleh University of Wisconsin Press pada 2023. Ini adalah hasil kajian utama dari Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. Pada tahun 2021 ia memulai kolaborasi dengan Dr Ana Dragoljlovic untuk proyek baru yang didanai Dewan Riset Australia mengenai aktivisme memori tentang kekerasan kolonial. Ia juga sedang berkolaborasi dengan Dr Ken Setiawan, Dr Abdul Wahid dan Dr Sadiah Boonstra dalam proyek buku yang berjudul Rethinking Colonial History.

Kate mengajar sejarah Asia Tenggara dan Asia. Ia membimbing mahasiswa dengan penelitian yang terkait dengan bidang sejarah Asia Tenggara dan studi gender. Saat ini Kate menjabat sebagai Presiden untuk Asian Studies Association of Australia dan Wakil Dekan Bidang Internasional (Indonesia) di Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. Kate telah sejak lama mempromosikan kolaborasi berkelanjutan antara peneliti Australia dan Indonesia melalui penelitiannya sendiri, serta melalui berbagai program di dalam dan di luar The University of Melbourne, termasuk Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiative.

Panel Chair

Dr Amanda Achmadi

Dr Amanda Achmadi is a Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design (Asian Architecture and Urbanism) and the Architecture Pathway Coordinator at The University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning. She holds a bachelor degree in architecture (Parahyangan University) and a doctoral degree in architecture and Asian studies, The University of Melbourne. Her research works explore the interrelated history of architecture, urban forms, and identity politics in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia and broader Southeast Asia.

Her recent publications include a chapter contribution to the 21st edition of Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture (2019). She co-authors the Indonesian sections of the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (2022/23) and was part of an interdisciplinary research team which looks into the interrelated dynamics of flooding mitigation, informal settlements, and the production of urban spectacle in Indonesian cities. The findings of this project has been published in Space and Polity (2019) as a journal article titled “Contested riverscapes in Jakarta: flooding, forced eviction and urban image.” Her critical reflection of the master plan and design of the new capital city of Indonesia was published in Indonesia at Melbourne blog of The University of Melbourne.

Amanda Achmadi
Dr Amanda Achmadi

Dr Amanda Achmadi adalah Dosen Senior bidang Desain Arsitektur (Asian Architecture and Urbanism) dan Koordinator Architecture Pathway di Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne. Ia meraih gelar sarjana arsitektur (Universitas Parahyangan) dan gelar doktor dalam arsitektur dan studi Asia, The University of Melbourne. Karya penelitiannya mengeksplorasi sejarah arsitektur yang saling terkait, bentuk perkotaan, dan politik identitas di Indonesia kolonial dan pascakolonial dan Asia Tenggara yang lebih luas.

Publikasi terbarunya termasuk kontribusi bab untuk edisi ke-21 Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture (2019). Amanda ikut menulis bagian bahasa Indonesia dari Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (2022/23) yang akan terbit dan merupakan bagian dari tim peneliti interdisipliner yang melihat dinamika yang saling terkait dari mitigasi banjir, permukiman informal, dan produksi tontonan perkotaan di kota-kota di Indonesia. Temuan proyek ini telah dipublikasikan di Space and Polity (2019) sebagai artikel jurnal berjudul “Contested riverscapes in Jakarta: flooding, forced eviction and urban image.” Refleksi kritisnya tentang rencana induk dan desain ibu kota baru Indonesia diterbitkan di blog Indonesia at MelbourneThe University of Melbourne.