EOPAS - EthnoER online presentation and annotation system

Dr Nick Thieberger recording a group of women singing in the Great Sandy Desert
Assoc. Professor Nick Thieberger recording a group of women singing in the Great Sandy Desert

This project has provided an open-source framework for delivery of media in an application addressing the problem of how to make language data more generally available than it currently is. Users are likely to be both scholars and the general community who have an interest in the diversity of the world's languages. With the development of HTML5 we saw the possible uses of broadband-enabled media (audio and video) increase exponentially. This project has built an open-source installation (www.eopas.org/) with the aim of later creating an online network of language collections linking transcripts and media, based in the existing international network of digital language archives and leveraging their collections as the basis for a networked virtual museum of human languages. The textual system on which this was all based, called EOPAS, was developed in 2006 under an ARC eResearch grant and subsequently with a grant from the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES) in 2010 (now the Networked Society Institute). Research and development under an ARC DP0984419.

Chief Investigators: Associate Professor Nick Thieberger, Professor Rachel Nordlinger, Cathy Falk (Music, the University of Melbourne), Steven Bird (Computer Science and Software Engineering, the University of Melbourne), Linda Barwick (PARADISEC, University of Sydney).

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