Raising children in more than one language

RUMACCC regularly conducts a free workshop for families raising their children bi- or trilingually and for early childhood and pre-school workers, teachers and others interested in bilingual education.

The seminars are currently on hold. Further details will be published here as they become available.

In the meantime some of the resources listed below may be of use to you.

The ‘Raising Children in more than one Language’ – workshops include presentations from Dr Susanne Döpke and Professor John Hajek as well as other presenters, most of whom have successfully raised their own children to be bilingual.

Seminar topics include:

  • Issues in raising children bilingually
  • Recognising the child’s own needs in the language
  • Practical suggestions for helping your child learn your language
  • Maximising the advantages from school programs, grandparents, overseas visits and the community
  • Using the internet and digital media in working with children

The seminars have been very popular and well received. Our most recent workshop in November 2019 attracted over 300 parents, grandparents and caregivers interested in raising their children with more than one language. We are happy to make available some of the materials of these seminars:

We have been able to offer these workshops free of charge due to the support of Community Languages Australia, the Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria and the Victorian Government through the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

More information for parents

You may also be interested in the following articles by Dr Susanne Döpke on:

We have also compiled a list of further readings and resources: Raising children in more than one language: useful resources (210kb pdf).