SDET Model: Best practices in placing DES jobseekers into work

Exploring how to improve overall servicing and ultimately employment outcomes for jobseekers with intellectual and developmental disabilities

To effectively place highly disadvantaged jobseekers into employment remains a challenge for welfare-to-work reforms in Australia and elsewhere. CVGT, a not-for-profit, for-purpose employment service provider, has developed its own philosophy and methodology to assist very disadvantaged jobseekers into work.

Specifically, through the creation of the Specialist Disability Employment Team (SDET), CVGT explores ways to improve overall servicing and ultimately employment outcomes for jobseekers with intellectual and developmental disabilities under the current DES program. Aimed to be person-centred and delivered in conjunction with partner organisations, the model places respect for the complexity of participants’ life circumstances and personal histories at its core, focusing on integrating employability, counselling, and other allied support services and prioritising transitions to sustainable, ongoing employment over short-term job placements. The model sits within a whole-of-organisation approach to critical empowerment and leadership.

This project aims to conduct an in-progress evaluation of the SDET model via defining key characteristics of the SDET model and developing evidence base for its effectiveness (or lack thereof) in supporting this group of jobseekers. Research findings are expected to inform not only CVGT’s practices but also the development of a responsive employment service model for people with disability.