Keeping Hold of Justice: Encounters Between Law and Colonialism

Balint, Jennifer, Evans, Julie, McMillan, Mark and McMillan, Nesam. Keeping Hold of Justice: Encounters Between Law and Colonialism. University of Michigan Press, 2020.

Keeping Hold of Justice focuses on a select range of encounters between law and colonialism from the early nineteenth century to the present. It emphasises the nature of colonialism as a distinctively structural injustice, one which becomes entrenched in the social, political, legal, and discursive structures of societies and thereby continues to affect people’s lives in the present. It charts, in particular, the role of law in both enabling and sustaining colonial injustice and in recognising and redressing it. In so doing, the book seeks to demonstrate the possibilities for structural justice that still exist despite the enduring legacies and harms of colonialism. More information…

Fileborn, Bianca and Loney-Howes, Rachel. “Using social media to resist gender violence: a global perspective,” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press, 2020.

This three-volume work offers a comprehensive review of the pivotal concepts, measures, theories, and practices that comprise criminology and criminal justice. No longer just a subtopic of sociology, criminology has become an independent academic field of study that incorporates scholarship from numerous disciplines including psychology, political science, behavioural science, law, economics, public health, family studies, social work, and many others. The three-volume Encyclopedia of Criminology presents the latest research as well as the traditional topics which reflect the field’s multidisciplinary nature in a single, authoritative reference work. More information…

Gendered violence at international festivals: an interdisciplinary perspective.

Fileborn, Bianca, Wadds, Phillip and Tomsen, Stephen. “Gender, transgression and sexual violence at Australian music festivals,” in Platt, Louise and Finkel, Rebecca (eds.,). Gendered violence at international festivals: an interdisciplinary perspective. Routledge, 2020.

Gendered Violence at International Festivals is a groundbreaking collection that focusses on this highly important social issue for the first time. Including a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies on the issue, the book contests the widely held notion that festivals are temporal spaces free from structural sexism, inequalities or gender power dynamics. Rather, they are spaces where these concerns are enhanced and enacted more freely and where the experiential environment is used as an excuse or as an opportunity to victim blame and shame. More information…

Imagining the International Crime, Justice, and the Promise of Community

McMillan, Nesam. Imagining the International Crime, Justice, and the Promise of Community. Cultural Lives of Law, Stanford University Press, 2020.

International crime and justice are powerful ideas, associated with a vivid imagery of heinous atrocities, injured humanity, and an international community seized by the need to act. Through an analysis of archival and contemporary data, Imagining the International provides a detailed picture of how ideas of international crime (crimes against all of humanity) and global justice are given content, foregrounding their ethical limits and potentials. Nesam McMillan argues that dominant approaches to these ideas problematically disconnect them from the lived and the specific and foster distance between those who have experienced international crime and those who have not. More information…

Rethinking Bail – Court Reform or Business as Usual?

Travers, Max, Colvin, Emma, Bartkowiak-Th̩ron, Isabelle, Sarre, Rick, Day, Andrew, Bond, Christine. Rethinking Bail РCourt Reform or Business as Usual? Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

This book arises from a research project funded in Australia by the Criminology Research Council. The topic, bail reform, has attracted attention from criminologists and law reformers over many years. In the USA, a reform movement has argued that risk analysis and pre-trial services should replace the bail bond system (the state of California may introduce this system in 2020). In the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia, there have been concerns about tough bail laws that have contributed to a rise in imprisonment rates. The book advances a policy argument through presenting descriptive statistics, interviews with practitioners and detailed accounts of bail applications and their outcomes. More information…

The Legacies of Institutionalisation Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Communit

Spivakovsky, Claire, Steele, Linda and Weller, Penelope (eds.,). The Legacies of Institutionalisation Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community. Hart Publishing, 2020.

This is the first collection to examine the legal dynamics of deinstitutionalisation. It considers the extent to which some contemporary laws, policies and practices affecting people with disabilities are moving towards the promised end point of enhanced social and political participation in the community, while others may instead reinstate, continue or legitimate historical practices associated with this population's institutionalisation. Bringing together 20 contributors from the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain and Indonesia, the book speaks to overarching themes of segregation and inequality, interlocking forms of oppression and rights-based advancements in law, policy and practice. More information…