D-Lang nested content

You will study the diploma subjects concurrently with the subjects of your Masters degree in an integrated sequence of study. Completing the diploma will normally add one year to the duration of your studies. The diploma will be awarded on completion of your degree.

While it is possible to commence the diploma at various points within your Masters degree, you are strongly recommended to commence your chosen language in the first semester of your course. This will provide the greatest flexibility in both meeting course requirements and controlling the duration of your studies.

Please note: Students are not granted credit for the Diploma in Languages in graduate programs. Students must complete either 200, 150 and 100 points in the Masters and also 100 points of the Diploma in Languages.


Language proficiency and streams

The diploma may be studied by students with no prior knowledge of a language as well as those who have completed several years of study. You will commence the language at the entry point appropriate to your previous experience. The language programs conduct proficiency tests prior to each semester for incoming students. Refer to the Handbook (above) for details.

Take the test

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)

Student enrolled as domestic students in a Graduate Coursework or Research Higher Degree course will have access to Commonwealth supported places in the Diploma in Languages. International Graduate Coursework and RHD students will attract International undergraduate fees for the Diploma in Languages.

How to apply

Applications open twice each year for start-year (semester one) and mid-year (semester two) entry. It is also possible to commence the diploma in the summer semester if required. A place in the diploma cannot be deferred. You must apply for the diploma prior to the semester in which you wish to commence it.

Apply for the diploma within the Admin tab of the Student Portal

Go to Student Admin, then Enrolment, then New Course Applications and Offers and select Apply for another University of Melbourne course.

Application deadlines

For more information please see the Students Concurrent Diplomas web page.