Academic / Non-Academic Feedback: How to Receive It / Use It / Give It

A piece of paper is shown coming out of an old black typewriter with the words

This workshop aims to provide practical tips re: our experience with feedback.  

When we receive comments on our work, including challenging criticism, how do we know what to build on … and what to ignore?  When we receive helpful but complex feedback, should we take the ‘long’ road or a ‘shorter’ road for quicker publications? How should we understand ‘best practice’ for giving feedback, writing reviews, and participating in panel discussions? What is the line between helpful and unhelpful criticism? And, when we reach out to non-academic settings, how do the standards surrounding feedback change?  How should a professional academic deal with trolls?  (See

Feedback is a key feature of professional intellectual life.  This session aims to make it familiar, effective, and enjoyable.

This session is part of the Faculty of Arts' ArtsModules event series for graduate researchers, and will be led by Associate Professor Matthew Nelson with Claudia Hooper and Dr Shakira Hussein.