
The Faculty of Arts is home to five academic schools, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences and many research centres, networks and groups.

Asia Institute

The Asia Institute is the University of Melbourne’s key centre for studies in Asian languages and cultures. Programs include Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese languages, as well as Asian and Islamic Studies.

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Asia Institute
Asia Institute

School of Culture and Communication

The School of Culture and Communication study areas include literary and cultural studies, art history, cinema and performance, media and communication and Australian indigenous studies.

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School of Culture and Communication

School of Historical and Philosophical Studies

The School of Historical and Philosophical Studies offers programs in Classics and Archaeology, Cultural Materials Conservation, History, History and Philosophy of Science, Jewish Culture and Society and Philosophy.

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School of Historical and Philosophical Studies

School of Languages and Linguistics

The School of Languages and Linguistics hosts programs in European Studies, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. It also offers Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language.

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School of Languages and Linguistics

School of Social and Political Sciences

The School of Social and Political Sciences has a team of dedicated academic and professional staff in the disciplines of Anthropology and Development Studies, Criminology, Political Science, and Sociology, Social Policy and Social Theory.

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School of Social and Political Sciences

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers exciting opportunities for intellectual engagement and collegiality. Our academic and professional staff foster and support cohort-building and networking between students.

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Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences