Panelists - 2021 Australia-Indonesia in conversation -

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Opening panel

Mr Stephen Scott

Mr Stephen Scott commenced his assignment as Deputy Ambassador at the Australian Embassy Jakarta in June 2021. Prior to this he was Assistant Secretary of the Humanitarian and Refugee Policy Branch since 2015. He has also served as a Senior Adviser on North Asian and North American affairs for Foreign Minister Marise Payne, Acting Chief Innovation Officer and Assistant Secretary of the Consular Policy Branch – where he led the teams for the Egypt, Libya, Christchurch and Japan consular emergency responses in 2011. Since joining DFAT in 1994, Stephen has served overseas as Deputy Ambassador in the Philippines, Minister-Counsellor Political and Economic Section in Indonesia, Economic Counsellor in China and Second/First Secretary Economic in Malaysia. Stephen has a Bachelor of Business degree, with honours in Economics, from Curtin University, Western Australia. He has also completed a Leadership in Crisis post graduate course at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a Graduate Diploma in Finance and Investment with the Securities Institute of Australia.

Mr Stephen Scott
Mr Stephen Scott

Bapak Stephen Scott memulai perannya sebagai Wakil Duta Besar di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Jakarta pada Juni 2021. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Asisten Sekretaris Bidang Kebijakan Kemanusiaan dan Pengungsi sejak 2015. Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai Penasihat Senior Hubungan Asia Utara dan Amerika Utara bagi Menteri Luar Negeri Australia, Marise Payne, serta Pejabat Kepala Inovasi dan Asisten Sekretaris Bidang Kebijakan Konsuler – di mana beliau memimpin tim tanggap darurat konsuler di Mesir, Libya, Christchurch di Selandia Baru, dan Jepang pada tahun 2011. Sejak bergabung dengan Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) pada tahun 1994, Stephen Scott telah ditugaskan di luar negeri sebagai Wakil Duta Besar di Filipina, Penasihat Menteri Bidang Politik dan Ekonomi di Indonesia, Penasihat Ekonomi di China dan Sekretaris Kedua/Pertama Ekonomi di Malaysia. Stephen meraih gelar Bachelor of Business, dengan kehormatan di bidang Ekonomi di Curtin University, Australia Barat. Stephen Scott juga telah menyelesaikan kursus pascasarjana Kepemimpinan dalam Krisis (Leadership in Crisis) di Kennedy School of Government di Harvard University dan meraih Graduate Diploma di bidang Keuangan dan Investasi di Securities Institute of Australia.

Mr Mohammad Syarif Alatas

Mr Mohammad Syarif Alatas is currently serving as the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Canberra since July 2020. His previous role was as Director of Technical Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, which he served in from 26 April 2017. In that role he was the team leader in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for spearheading Indonesia’s technical cooperation in the framework of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC),which aims to share Indonesia’s knowledge, experience and best practices to fellow developing countries to assist them in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He also serves as the Chair of the Indonesian National Coordination Team of South-South Cooperation (SSC), which consists of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of State Secretariat. With more than 25 years of service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Alatas has extensive experience in multilateral and bilateral affairs. His previous posts abroad include assignments in the Indonesian Embassy in Mexico City (2013-2016), the Indonesian Embassy in Brussels (2005-2009), and the Indonesian Permanent Mission to the UN in New York (1999-2002). His work in Indonesia has included assignments in various divisions in the Legal Division as well as in the Asia Pacific Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr Alatas holds a master’s degree in International Law from Washington College of Law, American University, Washington DC (1996) and a bachelor’s degree in law from Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia (1990). Within the Ministry, Mr Alatas has completed all levels of diplomatic training.

Mr Mohammad Syarif Alatas
Mr Mohammad Syarif Alatas

Bapak Mohammad Syarif Alatas menjabat sebagai Wakil Kepala Misi Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Canberra sejak Juli 2020. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Kerjasama Teknik di Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemenlu) Republik Indonesia sejak 26 April 2017. Dalam peran tersebut beliau memimpin tim di Kemenlu yang memelopori kerjasama teknik Indonesia dalam rangka South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), yang bertujuan untuk berbagi pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan praktik terbaik Indonesia kepada sesama negara yang sedang berkembang, dalam upaya mereka untuk mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Saat ini beliau juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Tim Koordinasi Nasional Indonesia Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan (KSS), yang terdiri dari Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Kementerian Keuangan, dan Kementerian Sekretariat Negara. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun di Kemenlu, beliau memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam urusan multilateral dan bilateral. Jabatan sebelumnya di luar negeri antara lain, ditugaskan di KBRI Mexico City (2013-2016), KBRI Brussel (2005-2009), dan Misi Tetap RI untuk PBB di New York (1999-2002). Sedangkan kiprahnya di Indonesia meliputi posisi di Divisi Hukum maupun di Divisi Asia Pasifik Kemenlu. Beliau menerima gelar Magister Hukum Internasional dari Washington College of Law, American University, Washington D.C. (1996) dan Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia (1990). Di Kemenlu sendiri, Bapak Alatas juga telah menyelesaikan semua jenjang pelatihan diplomasi.

Drg. Ika Dewi Ana

Drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. is the Vice Rector of Research and Community Service at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Research and Community Service). Her research interests include bioceramics, tissue engineering, and regenerative medical therapy. Drg. Ika Dewi Ana has two research outputs – on CHA Bone Graft and CHA-based Hemostatic Sponge) – that have been translated into the market in Indonesia by a university holding company and state-owned pharmaceutical company. She is a noted scholar and has received national and international awards from tissue engineering and biomaterials societies related to her research. Her current research concentrates on antimicrobial properties and bioactivity testing. Drg. Ika Dewi Ana has served as an Industrial Committee Member of TERMIS-AP (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society – Asia Pacific) since 2015 and TERMIS-AP Council since 2019. She previously has held several executive positions at Universitas Gadjah Mada, including Director of Partnerships, Alumni and International Affairs and Director of the Centre of Academic Innovations.

drg. Ika Dewi Ana
Drg. Ika Dewi Ana

Drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., PhD adalah Ketua Departemen Ilmu Biomedik Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi di Universitas Gadjah Mada. drg. Ika Dewi Ana juga merupakan Wakil Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada Bidang Penelitian dan Pengabdian. Minat penelitiannya di bidang biokeramik, rekayasa jaringan, dan terapi medis regeneratif. Dua hasil penelitiannya – tentang CHA Bone Graft dan CHA-based Hemostatic Sponge – telah dipasarkan oleh perusahaan induk universitas dan perusahaan farmasi milik negara. drg. Ika Dewi Ana merupakan akademisi ternama dan telah menerima penghargaan nasional dan internasional dari untuk bidang teknik jaringan dan biomaterial yang berkaitan dengan penelitiannya. Saat ini, penelitian beliau berpusat pada sifat antimikroba dan pengujian bioaktivitas. Beliau menjabat sebagai Anggota Komite Industri TERMIS-AP (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society – Asia Pacific) sejak tahun 2015 dan Dewan TERMIS-AP sejak 2019. Sebelumnya, beliau pernah menjabat di beberapa posisi eksekutif di Universitas Gadjah Mada, antara lain: Direktur Kemitraan, Alumni dan Hubungan Internasional dan Direktur Pusat Inovasi Akademik.

Professor Vedi Hadiz

Professor Vedi Hadiz is Director and Professor of Asian Studies at the Asia Institute and an Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor International at the University of Melbourne. In this role he has assisted the university to build stronger relationships with Indonesia, including its universities and government, as outlined in the University of Melbourne Indonesia Strategy (2019). Professor Hadiz’s research interests revolve around political sociology and political economy issues, especially those related to the contradictions of development in Indonesia and Southeast Asia more broadly, and more recently, in the Middle East. Professor Hadiz is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and was an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in 2010-2014. Professor Hadiz’s latest book is entitled Islamic Populism in Indonesia and the Middle East (Cambridge University Press 2016). Professor Hadiz has been a visiting scholar in the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in France, the International Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands, the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Kyoto, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi and the Department of Sociology at the University of Indonesia, where he is also an Adjunct Professor.

Profesor Vedi Hadiz
Professor Vedi Hadiz

Profesor Vedi Hadiz adalah Direktur dan Profesor di Departemen Studi Asia di Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts dan Asisten Wakil Rektor Internasional di the University of Melbourne. Dalam peran tersebut, Profesor Hadiz telah membantu the University of Melbourne membangun hubungan yang lebih erat dengan Indonesia, termasuk universitas-universitas dan pemerintahnya, sebagaimana diuraikan dalam University of Melbourne Indonesia Strategy (2019). Minat penelitian Profesor Hadiz berkisar pada masalah sosiologi politik dan ekonomi politik, terutama yang terkait dengan kontradiksi pembangunan di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara secara lebih luas, dan baru-baru ini, di kawasan Timur Tengah. Profesor Hadiz adalah Anggota Terpilih dari Akademi Ilmu Sosial (Academy of Social Sciences) di Australia dan merupakan Anggota Dewan Riset Australia Masa Depan (Australian Research Council Future Fellow) pada 2010-2014. Buku terbaru Profesor Hadiz berjudul Islamic Populism in Indonesia and the Middle East, (Populisme Islam di Indonesia dan Timur Tengah, Cambridge University Press 2016). Profesor Hadiz telah menjadi peneliti tamu di School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) di Prancis, the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies di University of Kyoto, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences di the Indian Institute of Technology- Delhi dan Departemen Sosiologi di Universitas Indonesia, di mana ia juga menjadi guru besar (adjunct professor).

Dr Wawan Mas’udi

Dr Wawan Mas’udi S.IP., M.P.A., is the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada and a senior Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government Studies. His research interests revolve around political leadership, populism, citizenship, and local politics and decentralization. In this current COVID-19 pandemic, together with a research team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, he has published some policy recommendations on how the Indonesian government should respond to the pandemic. He is also the co-editor of two books on ‘Governing the Pandemic’ and ‘New Normal Indonesia’ (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). His publications include a chapter on the creation of political legitimacy in post-reform Indonesia (in Lane, 2019) and programmatic politics in local elections (Contemporary Southeast Asia, December 2017).

Dr Wawan Mas’udi
Dr Wawan Mas’udi

Dr Wawan Mas’udi S.I.P., M.P.A., adalah Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Dosen Senior pada Departemen Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintahan. Minat penelitiannya berkisar pada kepemimpinan politik, populisme, kewarganegaraan, dan politik lokal dan desentralisasi. Di tengah pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, bersama tim peneliti dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, beliau telah menerbitkan beberapa rekomendasi kebijakan tentang bagaimana seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia menyikapi pandemi tersebut. Ia juga menjadi co-editor dua buku ‘Mengatur Pandemi’ dan ‘New Normal Indonesia’ (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). Publikasinya mencakup bab tentang penciptaan legitimasi politik di Indonesia pasca-reformasi (dalam Lane, 2019) dan politik terprogram dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Contemporary Southeast Asia, Desember 2017).

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne is Dean, Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, a position he has held since 2019. Russell leads a Faculty in which collaboration with our partners in Indonesia specifically and Asia more broadly is a strategic priority, and evident in joint research, Masters programs and other initiatives. He is a noted French literature scholar and was previously Professor of French Literature at King’s College London, where he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities from 2014 to 2018. Prior to this, he taught for more than a decade at the University of Leeds, after receiving his doctorate at Keble College, Oxford.

Professor Goulbourne has published and taught extensively on major figures in French intellectual culture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries including Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau. His research interests include the history of the book and textual editing, and reception of classical antiquity in early modern France. He is the author of Voltaire Comic Dramatist (Voltaire Foundation, 2006) and a scholarly translation of Rousseau's Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Oxford University Press, 2011) as well as co-editor of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and British Romanticism: Gender and Selfhood, Politics and Nation (Bloomsbury, 2017).

Professor Goulbourne is also an editor of the Voltaire Foundation’s Oeuvres completes de Voltaire and previously served as Co-Editor of French Studies, the journal of the Society for French Studies, published by Oxford University Press.

The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne
The Reverend Professor Russell Goulbourne

Pdt. Professor Russell Goulbourne adalah Dekan di Faculty of Arts, the University of Melbourne sejak 2019. Beliau memimpin fakultas yang memiliki prioritas strategis untuk berkolaborasi dengan mitra di Indonesia dan kawasan Asia secara lebih luas, dan kolaborasi tersebut terbukti dalam penelitian, program magister, dan inisiatif bersama lainnya. Profesor Goulbourne merupakan salah satu akademisi sastra Perancis ternama dan sebelum posisinya di the University of Melbourne, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Profesor Sastra Prancis di King’s College London, di mana beliau juga bekerja sebagai Dekan dari Faculty of Arts and Humanities dari tahun 2014 hingga 2018. Sebelumnya, Profesor Goulbourne mengajar selama lebih dari satu dekade di University of Leeds setelah dianugerahi gelar doktor di Keble College, Oxford University.

Profesor Goulbourne telah menerbitkan dan mengajar secara ekstensif tentang tokoh-tokoh penting dalam budaya intelektual Perancis pada abad ke-tujuh belas dan ke-delapan belas, termasuk Voltaire, Diderot, dan Rousseau. Minat penelitiannya meliputi sejarah buku dan penyuntingan tekstual, dan tanggapan mengenai periode antik-klasik pada periode modern awal di Prancis. Profesor Goulbourne adalah penulis buku Voltaire Comic Dramatist (Voltaire Foundation, 2006) dan terjemahan ilmiah dari Rousseau’s Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Oxford University Press, 2011) serta editor volume yang berjudul Jean-Jacques Rousseau dan British Romanticism: Gender and Selfhood, Politics and Nation (Bloomsbury, 2017).

Profesor Goulbourne juga merupakan penyunting dari Oeuvres completes de Voltaire oleh Voltaire Foundation dan sebelumnya menjabat sebagai penyunting jurnal French Studies, publikasi dari Society for French Studies, yang diterbitkan oleh Oxford University Press.

Panel two

Professor Michael Wesley

Professor Michael Wesley is Deputy Vice-Chancellor, International at the University of Melbourne. Professor Wesley has extensive experience in international strategy and relations and has worked in higher education, government, and the private sector.

Previously, Professor Wesley was Professor of International Affairs and Dean of the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University, Director of the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs at ANU, the Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, Director of the Griffith Asia Institute at Griffith University, and Assistant Director-General for Transnational Issues at the Office of National Assessments. He has a PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews.

He has published on Australian foreign policy, international relations and strategic affairs in Asia, and the politics of state-building interventions. Professor Wesley’s research on Asia Pacific security competition has focused on the rise of China and the implications of this for regional order, including American alliances and security responses (Restless Continent: Wealth Power and Asia’s New Geopolitics, BlackInc Books, 2015 and Global Allies: Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century, ANU Press, 2017). He is also interested in the economics-security nexus in Asia, and how this is driving new forms of competition (Energy Security in Asia, Routledge, 2007).

Currently Professor Wesley is completing a book on the Australian-led RAMSI intervention into Solomon Islands, 2003-2017, a project which combines his interests in Australian foreign policy and state-building interventions. His 2011 book (There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia, UNSW Press, 2011) won the John Button Prize for best writing on Australian public policy.

Profesor Michael Wesley
Profesor Michael Wesley

Profesor Michael Wesley adalah Wakil Rektor Internasional di the University of Melbourne. Profesor Wesley memiliki pengalaman luas dalam strategi dan hubungan internasional dan telah bekerja di bidang pendidikan tinggi, pemerintahan, dan sektor swasta.

Sebelum menduduki jabatan tersebut, Profesor Wesley menjabat sebagai Profesor Hubungan Internasional dan Dekan di College of Asia and the Pacific di Australian National University, Direktur Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs di ANU, Direktur Eksekutif Lowy Institute untuk Kebijakan Internasional, Direktur dari Griffith Asia Institute di Griffith University, dan sebagai Assistant Director-General untuk Isu Transnasional di Office of National Assessments. Beliau memiliki gelar doktor di bidang Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dari University of St Andrews.

Profesor Wesley telah menerbitkan hasil riset tentang kebijakan luar negeri Australia, hubungan internasional dan urusan strategis di Asia, dan politik intervensi pembangunan negara. Penelitian Profesor Wesley tentang persaingan keamanan Asia Pasifik sejauh ini berfokus pada kebangkitan Cina dan implikasinya terhadap tatanan regional, termasuk aliansi Amerika dan respons keamanan (Restless Continent: Wealth Power and Asia’s New Geopolitics, BlackInc Books, 2015 dan Global Allies: Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century, ANU Press, 2017). Profesor Wesley juga tertarik pada hubungan ekonomi-keamanan di Asia, dan bagaimana hal ini mendorong bentuk-bentuk persaingan baru (Energy Security in Asia, Routledge, 2007).

Saat ini Profesor Wesley sedang menyelesaikan sebuah buku tentang intervensi RAMSI yang dipimpin Australia di Kepulauan Solomon pada tahun 2003 hingga 2017, sebuah proyek yang menggabungkan minatnya dalam kebijakan luar negeri Australia dan intervensi pembangunan negara. Buku beliau yang diterbitkan pada 2011, There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia, menerima penghargaan John Button Prize untuk tulisan terbaik tentang kebijakan publik Australia.

Ms Ni Made Ayu Marthini

Ms Ni Made Ayu Marthini, M.Sc. is the Director for Bilateral Trade Negotiations in the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. She has worked for the ministry since 2006. Initially, she held several senior positions in news, publications, and public relations in the office of the Assistant for Minister of Trade. From 2011 to 2015, she was appointed as the Indonesian Trade Attaché in Washington D.C. Prior to her current appointment, she was the Director of the Center of Policy Harmonisation and the Director of the Center of Strategic Issues at the Ministry of Trade. Before her appointment to the Ministry of Trade, she worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for six years. There she was appointed to various positions, including Secretary II and III of Indonesia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, as well as Head of the International Trade Agreements Subdivision of the ministry. She received a Master of Science degree in Politics of the World Economy at the London School of Economics in 1999.

Ni Made Ayu Marthini
Ms Ni Made Ayu Marthini

Ibu Ni Made Ayu Marthini, M.Si. adalah Direktur Perundingan Bilateral di Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. Bu Ni Made Ayu Marthini telah bekerja di Kementerian Perdagangan sejak tahun 2006. Awalnya, beliau menduduki beberapa posisi senior di bagian berita dan publikasi, serta hubungan masyarakat di kantor Kementerian Perdagangan. Dari tahun 2011 hingga 2015, beliau ditugaskan sebagai Atase Perdagangan Indonesia di Washington D.C. Sebelum posisi saat ini, beliau adalah Kepala Pusat Harmonisasi Kebijakan dan Kepala Pusat Penanganan Isu Strategis, Kementerian Perdagangan. Sebelum menjabat di Kementerian Perdagangan, Ibu Ni Made Ayu Marthini bekerja di Kementerian Luar Negeri selama enam tahun. Di sana, beliau menduduki berbagai posisi, termasuk Sekretaris II dan III Misi Tetap Indonesia untuk Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, serta Kepala Subdivisi Perjanjian Perdagangan Internasional. Beliau menerima gelar Master of Science di bidang Politik Ekonomi Dunia di London School of Economics pada tahun 1999.

Professor Ross Garnaut

Professor Ross Garnaut is an economist whose career has been built around the analysis of and practice of policy connected to development, economic policy and international relations in Australia, Asia and the Pacific. He is Professorial Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Melbourne. Ross was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, from the Australian National University (ANU) in 2009 and a Doctor of Science in Economics, honoris causa, from the University of Sydney in 2013. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences and a Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia. Professor Garnaut played leading roles from the mid-1970s until 2009 in building the ANU’s capacity in research and graduate education on Southeast Asia, China, and South Asia. He was Head of the Economics Department and Division of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the ANU for over a decade from 1989.

Professor Garnaut has authored and edited 49 books and numerous influential articles on international economics, public finance, and economic development. He is also a founding Director of both the Lowy Institute of International Policy and of Asialink. He has held senior government positions, including as head of the Financial and Economic Policy Division of the Papua New Guinea Department of Finance in the years straddling independence in 1975, principal economic adviser to Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Australian Ambassador to China (1985-88). Professor Garnaut has been consulted on trade policy and relations with Asia and the Pacific by Australian prime ministers and senior ministers since 1975. Professor Garnaut has also led many high-level government reviews and commissions, including most recently as an independent expert advisor to the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee in September 2010.

Profesor Ross Garnaut
Professor Ross Garnaut

Profesor Ross Garnaut adalah seorang ekonom yang kariernya dibangun di seputar analisis dan praktik kebijakan terkait dengan pembangunan, kebijakan ekonomi, dan hubungan internasional di Australia dan kawasan Asia dan Pasifik. Profesor Garnaut merupakan Profesor Peneliti (Professorial Research Fellow) bidang Ekonomi di the University of Melbourne. Profesor Garnaut dianugerahi gelar kehormatan Doctor of Letters di Australian National University (ANU) pada 2009 dan gelar kehormatan Doctor of Science in Economics di University of Sydney pada 2013. Beliau merupakan Anggota Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Australia (Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences) dan Anggota Terhormat Perhimpunan Ekonomi Australia (Economic Society of Australia). Profesor Garnaut berperan penting sejak pertengahan 1970-an hingga 2009 dalam membangun kapasitas penelitian dan pendidikan pascasarjana tentang kawasan Asia Tenggara, China, dan Asia Selatan di ANU. Beliau merupakan Kepala Departemen Ekonomi dan Divisi Sekolah Penelitian Studi Pasifik dan Asia di ANU selama lebih dari satu dekade sejak tahun 1989.

Profesor Garnaut telah menulis dan menyunting 49 buku dan banyak artikel ilmiah penting tentang ekonomi internasional, keuangan publik, dan pembangunan ekonomi . Profesor Garnaut juga merupakan Direktur Pendiri di Lowy Institute of International Policy dan Asialink. Beliau pernah menjabat di beberapa posisi senior pemerintah, termasuk sebagai kepala Divisi Kebijakan Keuangan dan Ekonomi Departemen Keuangan Papua Nugini pada sekitar tahun-tahun kemerdekaannya di tahun 1975, penasihat ekonomi utama untuk Perdana Menteri Australia, Bob Hawke, dan Duta Besar Australia di China (1985-88). Profesor Garnaut kerap menjadi rujukan konsultator mengenai kebijakan perdagangan dan hubungan dengan Asia dan Pasifik bagi banyak perdana menteri dan menteri senior Australia sejak tahun 1975. Profesor Garnaut juga telah memimpin banyak tinjauan dan komisi pemerintah tingkat tinggi, dan yang paling baru adalah sebagai penasihat ahli independen untuk Multi-Party Climate Change Committee pada September 2010.

Dr Yose Rizal Damuri

Dr Yose Rizal Damuri is Head of the Department of Economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. His research centres on international trade, regional integration, economic development and the digital economy. Yose is also a lecturer in international economics at the University of Indonesia.He is active in several research and advisory networks within Indonesia and across East Asia, including the Indonesia Service Dialogue (ISD) and the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT). Yose’s recent research has focused on the economic impacts of COVID-19 in Indonesia. He was also the principal researcher in the development of the ASEAN Business Competition Perception Index in 2020. Yose received his PhD in international economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI), Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr Yose Rizal Damuri
Dr Yose Rizal Damuri

Dr Yose Rizal Damuri adalah Kepala Departemen Ekonomi di Center for Strategic and International Studies. Penelitiannya berpusat pada perdagangan internasional, integrasi regional, pembangunan ekonomi, dan ekonomi digital. Dr. Yose Rizal Damuri juga merupakan dosen ekonomi internasional di Universitas Indonesia. Beliau aktif di beberapa jaringan penelitian dan konsultasi di Indonesia dan Asia Timur, seperti Indonesia Service Dialogue (ISD) dan Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT). Penelitiannya baru-baru ini berfokus pada dampak ekonomi dari COVID-19 di Indonesia. Dr Yose Rizal Damuri juga merupakan peneliti utama dalam pengembangan ASEAN Business Competition Perception Index pada tahun 2020. Beliau meraih gelar doktor di bidang ekonomi internasional dari Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI), di Jenewa, Swiss.

Mr Kevin Evans

Mr Kevin Evans is Indonesia Director at the Australia-Indonesia Centre. He has worked as a diplomat, stockbroker, academic and NGO activist during the past thirty years he has lived in Indonesia.

With the onset of political reform in Indonesia in 1998, Kevin became engaged in a wide range of governance reform issues including constitutional reform, civil service reform, electoral, parliamentary and political party reform and decentralisation. Initially he worked inside the presidential team that drafted the first post-Suharto-era laws, which promoted the democratisation of the political system. Later, Kevin lived for four years in Aceh working on post-tsunami reconstruction with government ministers to create policies and lead institutions focused on corruption prevention.

Prior to joining the Australia-Indonesia Centre, Kevin worked closely with the President’s Delivery Unit (Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan – UKP4), advising on a number of environmental governance programs. Kevin was posted by the UN to Afghanistan during 2002-2003 to assist develop new commissions governing the civil service human rights, elections, the judicial system and constitutional reform. He has also been engaged in supporting reforms to election and counter-corruption systems in Egypt, East Timor, Fiji, and Turkey. Kevin’s interest in electoral politics has led him to develop his own website that transforms Indonesian election results into colourful charts, tables and maps, together with research and other writing.

Mr Kevin Evans
Mr Kevin Evans

Bapak Kevin Evans merupakan Direktur Indonesia di Australia-Indonesia Centre. Beliau telah bekerja sebagai diplomat, pialang saham, akademisi dan aktivis LSM selama tiga puluh tahun, dan telah tinggal di Indonesia selama dua puluh tahun terakhir.

Dengan momentum reformasi politik di Indonesia pada tahun 1998, beliau menjadi terlibat dengan berbagai macam isu reformasi pemerintahan, termasuk reformasi konstitusional, reformasi layanan publik, reformasi elektoral, parlementer dan partai politik, dan desentralisasi. Awalnya, beliau bekerja di dalam tim kepresidenan yang menyusun UU pertama pasca era kepemimpinan Suharto, yang mempromosikan demokratisasi sistem politik. Kemudian, Kevin tinggal selama empat tahun di Aceh, di mana Kevin mengerjakan reskonstruksi pasca-tsunami bersama dengan kementerian Indonesia untuk menciptakan kebijakan dan lembaga utama yang berfokus pada pencegahan korupsi.

Sebelum bergabung dengan Australia-Indonesia Centre, Kevin bekerja dengan Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4) guna memberi masukan tentang berbagai program tata kelola lingkungan. Kevin ditempatkan oleh PBB di Afghanistan pada tahun 2002-2003 untuk membantu menciptakan komisi baru yang dapat menata dan mengelola layanan publik untuk memenuhi HAM, pemilu, reformasi sistem yudisial dan konstitusional. Beliau juga pernah terlibat dalam mendukung reformasi pemilu dan sistem pemberantasan korupsi di Mesir, Timor Timur, Fiji dan Turki. Minat Kevin pada politik elektoral telah membawanya untuk menciptakan situs web miliknya, yang mentransformasi hasil pemilu Indonesia ke dalam tampilan bagan, tabel dan peta kaya warna, bersama dengan hasil riset dan penulisan lainnya.

Panel three

Dr Ir Udrekh

Dr Ir Udrekh, SE., MSc., is the Director of Disaster Management Systems for the Deputy of Systems and Strategies at the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - BNPB) of the Republic of Indonesia. He previously served as the Director of Mapping and Disaster Risk Evaluation at the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. Before joining the Agency last year, Dr Udrekh held senior positions at the Agency for Application and Assessment of Technology (BPPT), where he began working as a researcher in 1994. In 2010 he was appointed the Chief of the Agency’s Nusantara Earth Observation Network, a data and information facility based on cloud computing that focuses on the networking and interoperability of earth observation technology data. In 2012 he became the Head of the Agency’s Disaster Mitigation Technology section and served as an engineer in the Agency before moving to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. Dr Udrekh obtained his PhD in Marine Geology and Geophysics from the Ocean Research Institute at the University of Tokyo.

Dr Ir Udrekh headshot
Dr Ir Udrekh

Dr Ir Udrekh, SE., MSc., adalah Direktur Sistem Penanggulangan Bencana pada Deputi Bidang Sistem dan Strategi, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Republik Indonesia. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Pemetaan dan Evaluasi Risiko Bencana di BNPB. Sebelum bergabung dengan BNPB tahun lalu, Dr Udrekh menduduki berbagai posisi senior di Badan Penerapan dan Pengkajian Teknologi (BPPT), di mana beliau mulai bekerja sebagai peneliti pada tahun 1994. Pada tahun 2010 Dr Udrekh menjabat sebagai Kepala Nusantara Earth Observation Network, sebuah fasilitas data dan informasi berbasis cloud computing yang berfokus pada jaringan dan interoperabilitas data teknologi pengamatan bumi. Pada tahun 2012 beliau menjadi Kepala Bagian Teknologi Mitigasi Bencana di BPPT dan juga menjabat sebagai Perekayasa sebelum melanjutkan karirnya di BNPB. Dr Udrekh memperoleh gelar PhD-nya dalam bidang Geologi Kelautan dan Geofisika dari Ocean Research Institute di University of Tokyo.

Professor Tony Blakely

Professor Tony Blakely is an epidemiologist and public health medicine specialist who led the modelling with colleagues that underpinned the Victorian Government’s RoadMap out of Victoria’s second wave of COVID-19 infections. He is committed to answering questions about which public health interventions will achieve the greatest improvements in health and social outcomes, reduce inequalities in health, and do so cost-effectively. Professor Blakely’s research covers a range of topic areas, intersected with methodological advancements. Whilst principally an epidemiologist, he uses and combines methods from multiple disciplines: biostatistics, economics, econometrics, and computer and data science.

Professor Blakely is Director of the Population Interventions (PI) Unit within the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. PI aims to: “provide robust evidence on the health and cost impacts of population interventions, through causal inference and simulation approaches from epidemiology, economics and data science.” PI includes projects using contemporary epidemiological and econometric methods applied to existing data), through to projects using simulation models to estimate the health gains and cost impacts of interventions such as tobacco tax, dietary counselling, etc. He is collaborating with the Institute of Health Metrics and the University of Otago to build next-generation macro-simulation models, that will intersect easily with Global Burden of Disease data to allow multi-country evaluations.

Cutting across all Professor Blakely’s research is a strong focus and interest in epidemiological and quantitative research methodologies. He teaches short courses in advanced epidemiology and simulation modelling, in both Australia and New Zealand. He has co-authored a book on the history of mortality decline in New Zealand, and published approximately 300 peer reviewed journal articles.

Profesor Tony Blakely
Professor Tony Blakely

Profesor Tony Blakely adalah ahli epidemiologi dan spesialis kedokteran kesehatan masyarakat yang, bersama koleganya, memimpin pemodelan yang mendukung Peta Jalan Pemerintah Victoria untuk mengatasi infeksi COVID-19 gelombang kedua di negara bagian Victoria. Profesor Blakely berkomitmen untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang intervensi kesehatan masyarakat mana yang dapat mencapai peningkatan tertinggi pada aspek kesehatan dan sosial, mengurangi ketidaksetaraan dalam kesehatan, dan dengan biaya yang efektif. Penelitian Profesor Blakely mencakup berbagai bidang bersinggungan dengan kemajuan metodologis. Meskipun pada dasarnya beliau adalah seorang ahli epidemiologi, Professor Blakey menggunakan dan menggabungkan metode dari berbagai disiplin ilmu: biostatistik, ekonomi, ekonometrika, dan ilmu komputer dan data.

Profesor Blakely adalah Direktur Unit Intervensi Kependudukan (Population Interventions) di Pusat Epidemiologi dan Biostatistik di Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Tim kerja ini bertujuan untuk: “memberikan bukti kuat tentang dampak kesehatan dan biaya dari intervensi populasi, melalui pendekatan inferensi kausal dan simulasi dari epidemiologi, ekonomi, dan ilmu data.” Unit ini mencakup proyek yang menggunakan metode epidemiologi dan ekonometrik kontemporer yang diterapkan pada data yang ada, hingga proyek yang menggunakan model simulasi untuk memperkirakan keuntungan kesehatan dan dampak biaya intervensi seperti pajak tembakau, konseling diet, dll. Beliau sedang berkolaborasi dengan Institut Metrik Kesehatan (Institute of Health Metrics) dan University of Otago guna membangun model simulasi makro generasi berikutnya yang akan bersinggungan dengan mudah dengan data Beban Penyakit Global (Global Burden of Disease) untuk memungkinkan evaluasi multi-negara.

Benang merah yang menghubungkan semua penelitian Profesor Blakely adalah fokus dan minat yang kuat dalam metodologi penelitian epidemiologi dan kuantitatif. Beliau mengajar kursus singkat dalam epidemiologi lanjutan dan pemodelan simulasi, baik di Australia dan Selandia Baru. Beliau juga menjadi penulis koresponden dari buku tentang sejarah penurunan kematian di Selandia Baru, dan menerbitkan sekitar 300 artikel jurnal peer review.

Mr Abetnego Tarigan

Mr Abetnego Tarigan is the Deputy II of the Executive Office (KSP) of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, focusing on the area of Human Development. In this capacity, his main concerns are the handling of strategic issues in a variety of fields, ranging from education and health to disaster planning and social security. Abetnego was appointed to the Executive Office of the President in 2016 as a Chief Expert to provide advice to presidential priority programs, including those related to the Sustainable Development Goals, agrarian reform, and the inclusion of indigenous people. From 2008 to 2012, Abetnego was the Executive Director of Sawit Watch, a non-government organisation that advocates for environmental restoration and develops welfare schemes in the palm oil industry. In 2012, he was elected as Executive Director of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), an environmental non-government organisation that promotes environmental preservation and restoration across Indonesia. Abetnego holds a Master's of Environmental Science from the University of Indonesia.

Abetnego Tarigan
Mr Abetnego Tarigan

Bapak Abetnego Tarigan saat ini menjabat sebagai Wakil Kepala Staf Bidang Pembangunan Manusia, Kantor Staf Presiden (KSP) Republik Indonesia sejak tahun 2020, yang mengurus mulai dari pendidikan untuk semua, kesehatan masyarakat, hingga pemerintahan bencana dan jaminan sosial. Beliau bergabung dalam Kantor Staf Presiden sejak 2016, sebagai Penasihat Senior untuk Deputi. Beliau berpengalaman dan terlibat aktif selama 18 tahun dalam isu lingkungan, isu keberlanjutan sumber daya alam, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat adat. Bapak Abetnego berpengalaman dan berkontribusi sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai diskusi mengenai isu-isu lingkungan dan sumber daya alam seperti kelapa sawit berkelanjutan, masyarakat adat, reformasi tanah dan konflik agraria, serta perubahan iklim baik di forum nasional maupun internasional. Abetnego meraih gelar Magister Ilmu Lingkungan di Universitas Indonesia.

Professor Dr. Ova Emilia

Professor Dr. Ova Emilia is the first Professor of Medical Education in Indonesia and a pioneer of medical education in the country. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.  Her areas of interest are public health, medical education, women's health, and obstetrics gynaecology. Professor Ova Emilia is on the board of directors of the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistic Unit (CEBU) at UGM. CEBU aims to promote evidence based medicine for improving health care services and health policy in Indonesia. By promoting a multidisciplinary approach, CEBU aims to solve priority health problems in clinical and community settings. She is also an Educator for the Southeast Asia-Optimising Reproductive and Child Health in Developing Countries (SEA-Orchid), a network of researchers across four Southeast Asian countries that aims to improve the clinical practice of treating pregnancy and childbirth related disorders to enhance the health outcomes of mothers and infants in Southeast Asia. As a leading figure in Indonesian medical education, Professor Ova Emilia has also consulted for several Indonesian universities on curriculum development, comprehensive education and improving curriculum-based competence. Additionally, she teaches courses in Obstetrics and Gynaecology as well as Maternal and Child Health and Health Promotion at UGM. She is also a lecturer in several different programs, such as the Masters Program in Medical Education and the Obstetrics Gynaecologist Training Program.

Profesor Ova Emilia
Professor Dr. Ova Emilia

Profesor Dr. Ova Emilia adalah Guru Besar Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia pertama, dan dilantik sebagai Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran periode Oktober 2016-2021. Sebelum jabatannya saat ini, beliau bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan tata kelola akademik di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni periode Desember 2012-2016. Ia berkiprah di UGM pada tahun 1990 di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, dan mengajar di bidang ObGyn serta Pendidikan Kedokteran. Dia juga bekerja sama dengan rekan-rekan di Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran untuk evaluasi komprehensif dan peningkatan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam kurikulum berbasis kompetensi untuk Program Sarjana Kedokteran. Ia memperoleh gelar Master of Medical Education di University of Dundee, Scotland, UK sebelum menyelesaikan program pelatihan residensinya di ObGyn. Setelah memegang spesialisasinya sebagai Obstetric Gynecologist, Profesor Ova melanjutkan studi di University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia untuk program doktornya. Dia memegang gelar doktor dalam lingkup Pengajaran Klinis, dan Konsultan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial.

Dr Stephanie Williams

Dr Stephanie Williams was appointed as Australia’s Ambassador for Regional Health Security in March 2020. As Ambassador, Dr Williams supports the advancement of Australia’s interests in the Indo-Pacific by fostering linkages between Australia’s world-class public health and medical research experts and partners in the region. In addition, she guides the implementation of the $300 million Health Security Initiative for the Indo-Pacific region.

Dr Williams is a Public Health Physician and Epidemiologist, who has been DFAT’s Principal Health Specialist since 2017. Prior to joining DFAT, Dr Williams was a Medical Adviser in the Office of Health Protection in the Australian Government Department of Health. Her previous roles include: Public Health Registrar for Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Epidemiologist in Global Health Security for the World Health Organization (WHO), and a medical doctor for Medicines Sans Frontières and the WHO.

Dr Williams holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Monash University, a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine from James Cook University, and a Master of Applied Epidemiology from ANU. She is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine and a Visiting Fellow at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at ANU. Dr Williams is currently serving on the Board of The Global Fund as an Alternate Member.

Dr Stephanie Williams
Dr Stephanie Williams

Dr Stephanie Williams ditunjuk sebagai Duta Besar Australia untuk Keamanan Kesehatan Regional pada Maret 2020. Di dalam pekerjaannya, Dr Williams mendukung kemajuan kepentingan Australia di kawasan Indo-Pasifik dengan membina hubungan antara pakar penelitian kesehatan dan medis kelas dunia Australia dan mitra di wilayah tersebut. Selain itu, beliau juga memandu implementasi Inisiatif Keamanan Kesehatan senilai AUD 300 juta untuk kawasan Indo-Pasifik.

Dr Williams adalah seorang dokter kesehatan masyarakat dan ahli epidemiologi, dan sudah menjabat sebagai Spesialis Kesehatan Utama Departemen Urusan Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Australia (DFAT) sejak tahun 2017. Sebelum bergabung dengan DFAT, Dr Williams pernah menjabat sebagai Penasihat Medis di Kantor Perlindungan Kesehatan di Departemen Kesehatan Pemerintah Australia. Tugas yang pernah diembannya, antara lain: Registrar Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk Chief Health Officer Victoria, Ahli Epidemiologi Keamanan Kesehatan Global untuk Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), dan dokter medis untuk Medicines Sans Frontières dan WHO.

Dr Williams meraih gelar Sarjana Kedokteran dan Bedah di Monash University, Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Tropis di James Cook University, dan Magister Epidemiologi Terapan di ANU. Dr Williams adalah anggota Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine dan Anggota Tamu National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health di ANU. Dr Williams saat ini menjabat di Dewan The Global Fund sebagai Anggota Alternatif.

Panel four

Dr Rachael Diprose

Dr Rachael Diprose is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne and is the Co-Convenor of the University’s Indonesia Forum. She teaches in the Master of Development Studies program and is also the SSPS representative that supports collaborations and partnerships with Indonesian universities, government and civil society organisations. She has published widely for both academic and applied audiences from her research in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and West Africa. Her research has focussed on the multidisciplinary themes of inequalities, inclusion, gender and development; peacebuilding and conflict transformation; multi-level governance and political settlements; and the political economy of different dimensions of rapid social and economic change. Formerly of the University of Oxford, Rachael has led many academic and applied mixed-methods research programs and has held advisory roles in research, policy and practice, globally and in Asia.

Dr Diprose’s website, Demi Setara (or ‘For Equality’) shares research findings in a variety of forms from the most recent large-scale research project that she leads on Gender, Collective Action and Governance in Rural Indonesia, which also involves colleagues from Melbourne and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Indonesia.She has long worked together with academics, civil society organisations, senior policy makers, and others, in both research and development, and continues to collaborate in initiatives with colleagues at Melbourne, SOAS, LSE, Oxford, Leiden, York, ANU, the University of Gadjah Mada, the University of Indonesia, and elsewhere.

Dr Rachael Diprose
Dr Rachael Diprose

Dr Rachael Diprose adalah Dosen Senior di Sekolah Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (SSPS) di Faculty of Arts, the University of Melbourne dan merupakan salah satu Penyelenggara Indonesia Forum di universitas tersebut. Dr Diprose mengajar di program Magister Studi Pembangunan dan juga merupakan perwakilan Sekolah Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik yang mendukung kolaborasi dan kemitraan dengan universitas, pemerintah, dan organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia. Dr Diprose telah menerbitkan secara luas untuk kalangan akademis dan terapan dari penelitiannya di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara dan Afrika Barat. Penelitiannya berfokus pada tema multidisiplin tentang ketidaksetaraan, inklusi, gender, dan pembangunan; pembangunan perdamaian dan transformasi konflik; pemerintahan multi-level dan penyelesaian politik; serta ekonomi politik dari berbagai dimensi perubahan sosial dan ekonomi yang cepat. Sebelumnya dari Universitas Oxford, Dr Diprose telah memimpin banyak program penelitian metode campuran akademik dan terapan dan telah memegang peran penasihat dalam penelitian, kebijakan dan praktik, secara global dan di Asia.

Situs web Dr Diprose, Demi Setara, berbagi temuan penelitian dalam berbagai bentuk dari proyek penelitian skala besar terbaru yang dipimpinnya tentang Gender, Aksi Kolektif dan Tata Kelola di Pedesaan Indonesia. Proyek tersebut juga melibatkan rekan-rekan dari the University of Melbourne dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) di Indonesia. Dr Diprose telah lama bekerja sama dengan akademisi, organisasi masyarakat sipil, pembuat kebijakan senior, dan lainnya, baik dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, dan terus berkolaborasi dalam inisiatif dengan rekan-rekannya di Melbourne, SOAS, LSE, Oxford, Leiden, York, ANU, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, dan lain-lain

Dr Amalinda Savirani

Dr Amalinda Savirani is a former head of department (2006-2020) and currently the coordinator of PhD program (2021-2024) at the Department of Politics and Government in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is also a lead researcher at the Research Centre for Politics and Government (PolGov). Her research concentrates on social movements and democracy in Indonesia, particularly on the urban poor, labour movements, and civil society organisations. Amalinda has been a lead researcher in a recent large-scale research project with colleagues from the University of Melbourne on Gender, Collective Action and Governance in Rural Indonesia. Drawing on interview data from fourteen villages across nine provinces, this project has produced significant findings on the barriers women confront and the ways that women overcome them to improve their everyday lives, and exercise voice and influence on decisions which affect them (with Diprose, Setiawan, and Francis, 2020).

This project has produced policy recommendations, a volume of case studies of how village women have influenced village development, and a volume of life stories of village women’s lived experiences of growing their agency and influencing village development. Amalinda and the collaborative research team are currently undertaking research about women’s participation in village-level COVID-19 responses, and women’s influence and organising during the pandemic. Amalinda’s other recent publications include an analysis of the ways that women candidates overcome barriers to women’s political representation in Indonesia (with Aspinall and White, 2021), and a case study on the women’s rights platforms of female politicians in the 2019 Indonesian election (with Al Akbar, Jamson, and Asworo, 2021).

Dr Amalinda Savirani
Dr Amalinda Savirani

Dr Amalinda Savirani adalah mantan ketua departemen (2006-2020) dan kini merupakan koordinator Program Doktor (2021-2024) di Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Beliau juga merupakan peneliti utama di Pusat Penelitian Politik dan Pemerintahan (PolGov). Penelitiannya fokus pada gerakan sosial dan demokrasi di Indonesia, khususnya untuk kelompok miskin di perkotaan, gerakan buruh, dan organisasi masyarakat sipil. Amalinda adalah peneliti utama dalam proyek penelitian skala besar baru-baru ini dengan rekan-rekan dari the University of Melbourne mengenai Gender, Aksi Kolektif dan Tata Kelola di Pedesaan Indonesia. Berdasarkan data wawancara dari empat belas desa di sembilan provinsi, proyek ini telah menghasilkan temuan signifikan tentang hambatan yang dihadapi perempuan dan cara mengatasinya untuk memperbaiki kehidupan sehari-hari mereka, serta memiliki suara dan pengaruh terhadap keputusan yang berdampak pada kehidupan mereka (dengan Diprose, Setiawan , dan Francis, 2020).

Proyek ini telah menghasilkan rekomendasi kebijakan, dan jilid studi kasus tentang bagaimana perempuan desa telah memengaruhi pembangunan desa, dan jilid kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan tentang pengalaman hidup perempuan desa dalam mengembangkan agensi mereka dan memengaruhi pembangunan desa. Dr Amalinda Savirani dan tim peneliti kolaboratif saat ini sedang melakukan penelitian tentang partisipasi perempuan dalam penanganan COVID-19 di tingkat desa, serta pengaruh dan pengorganisasian perempuan selama pandemi. Publikasi terbaru Amalinda termasuk sebuah analisis tentang cara perempuan mengatasi hambatan keterwakilan politik perempuan di Indonesia (dengan Aspinall dan White, 2021), dan studi kasus tentang wacana hak perempuan yang dikampanyekan calon perempuan dalam pemilu Indonesia tahun 2019 (dengan Al Akbar, Jamson, dan Asworo, 2021).

Professor Cathy Humphreys

Professor Cathy Humphreys is Professor of Social Work at the University of Melbourne. For five years she held the Alfred Felton Chair of Child and Family Welfare, a professorship established in collaboration with the Alfred Felton Trust, the Department of Social Work at the University of Melbourne and the Centre for Excellence for Child and Family Welfare in Victoria, the peak body for vulnerable children, youth, and family organisations in Victoria. She is also a Co-Director of the Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence.

Professor Humphreys is a Co-DIrector of the Melbourne Alliance to End Violence Against Women and Their Children (MAEVe), along with Professor Kelsey Hegarty. MAEVe draws together academics from across University of Melbourne who are active in research in this area. A multi-million dollar program of research in the areas of domestic and family violence and out of home care has been sustained since 2006 and supported through eight Australian Research Council grants and numerous other grants from government, philanthropy and community sector organisations. Developing the knowledge base to support practice and policy developments in the areas of domestic and family violence, as well as that of vulnerable children in out of home care drive the research program. Professor Humphreys worked as a social work practitioner in the mental health, domestic violence, and children, youth and families sector for 16 years before becoming a social work academic. She worked at University of Warwick in the UK for 12 years prior to returning to Australia.

Profesor Cathy Humphreys
Professor Cathy Humphreys

Profesor Cathy Humphreys adalah Profesor dalam bidang Pekerjaan Sosial di the University of Melbourne. Selama lima tahun ia menjabat sebagai Alfred Felton Chair of Child and Family Welfare, sebuah jabatan profesor yang didirikan dalam kerja sama dengan Alfred Felton Trust, Departemen Pekerjaan Sosial di the University of Melbourne dan Centre for Excellence for Child and Family Welfare di Victoria, badan tertinggi untuk organisasi anak-anak, pemuda, dan keluarga yang rentan di Victoria. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai salah satu direktur Safer Families Center of Research Excellence.

Profesor Humphreys adalah salah satu direktur Melbourne Alliance to End Violence Against Women and Their Children (MAEVe), bersama dengan Profesor Kelsey Hegarty. MAEVe mengumpulkan akademisi dari seluruh departemen the University of Melbourne yang aktif dalam penelitian yang terkait dengan mengatasi kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak. Program penelitian jutaan dolar di dalam bidang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan keluarga dan perawatan di luar rumah telah dijalankan sejak tahun 2006 dan didukung melalui delapan hibah Dewan Riset Australia (Australian Research Council) dan banyak hibah lainnya dari pemerintah, filantropi, dan organisasi sektor masyarakat. Program penelitian ini mengembangkan basis pengetahuan untuk mendukung praktik dan pengembangan kebijakan dalam menangani permasalahan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan keluarga, serta anak-anak yang rentan dalam pengasuhan di luar rumah. Profesor Humphreys sempat bekerja sebagai praktisi pekerjaan sosial dalam bidang kesehatan mental, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, dan dengan anak-anak, pemuda dan keluarga selama 16 tahun sebelum menjadi akademisi bidang sosial. Beliau pernah bekerja di University of Warwick di Inggris selama 12 tahun sebelum kembali ke Australia.

Ms Ade Siti Barokah

Ms Ade Siti Barokah is Program Officer for the Democratic Resilience Program at the Asia Foundation (TAF), where she works with vulnerable women, youth, disabled people, religious minorities, and other marginalised groups. Her areas of expertise include public policy, poverty reduction, community empowerment and social inclusion. Ade has worked at the Asia Foundation since 2017. She initially managed the Peduli social inclusion program before commencing her current position at the Democratic Resilience Program. Peduli centres their work on six marginalised communities: disabled people, transgender people, religious minorities, vulnerable children and young people, indigenous communities, and victims of past gross human rights violations.

Previously a journalist, Ade began working in social inclusion in 2003 when she joined the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM), a national poverty reduction program. She went on to manage similar projects throughout Indonesia. Notably, Ade was a program manager for Poverty Eradication and Economic Governance with Partnership for Governance Reforms (Kemitraan), which aimed to reduce poverty through the empowerment of marginalised groups, such as indigenous people and those not often reached by regular government programs.

Ade is a certified facilitator in community driven development and conflict resolution. She is also a recipient of various fellowships from the World Bank Institute, the Netherlands Fellowship Program, and the United States government. Most recently, she received the StuNed fellowship to study Human Rights, Gender and Conflict at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Under the pen-name Ade Nastiti, Ade has authored and contributed to several books that focus on promoting peace, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion.

Ibu Ade Siti Barokah
Ms Ade Siti Barokah

Ibu Ade Siti Barokah adalah Program Officer untuk Democratic Resilience Program di the Asia Foundation (TAF), di mana beliau bekerja dengan kelompok rentan seperti perempuan, pemuda, kaum difabel, agama minoritas, dan kelompok terpinggirkan lainnya. Bidang keahliannya meliputi kebijakan publik, pengurangan kemiskinan, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan inklusi sosial. Ade telah bekerja di the Asia Foundation sejak 2017. Pada awalnya, Ade mengelola program inklusi sosial Peduli sebelum bekerja di Democratic Resilience Program. Peduli berpusat pada enam komunitas marginal a.l.: kaum difabel, kaum transgender, agama minoritas, anak-anak dan remaja rentan, masyarakat adat, dan korban pelanggaran HAM berat.

Setelah bekerja sebagai jurnalis, Ade mulai berkiprah di bidang inklusi sosial pada tahun 2003 saat mengikuti Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM). Beliau kemudian mengelola proyek serupa di seluruh Indonesia. Ade pernah menjabat sebagai manajer program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan dan Tata Kelola Ekonomi dengan Kemitraan bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kemiskinan melalui pemberdayaan kelompok-kelompok yang terpinggirkan, seperti masyarakat adat dan mereka yang sering tidak dijangkau oleh program pemerintah.

Beliau adalah fasilitator resmi dalam pengembangan berbasis masyarakat dan resolusi konflik. Beliau juga merupakan penerima berbagai beasiswa dari World Bank Institute, Program Beasiswa Belanda, dan pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Baru-baru ini, ia menerima beasiswa StuNed untuk mempelajari Hak Asasi Manusia, Gender dan Konflik di International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Dengan nama pena Ade Nastiti, Ade telah menulis dan berkontribusi pada beberapa buku yang mempromosikan perdamaian, toleransi, keragaman, dan inklusi.

Dr Manjula Marella

Dr Manjula Marella is a Senior Research Fellow, Nossal Institute for Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Dr Marella is a disability inclusion researcher with core research expertise in qualitative, quantitative and psychometric (Rasch analysis) methods for developing and validating client-reported outcome measures. Dr Marella has a Bachelor of Science in Optometry from India and specialises in low vision rehabilitation. She completed her PhD from the Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Melbourne, in 2011. Her doctoral thesis involved developing an evaluation framework for community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programs. Her postdoctoral research primarily focused on developing and validating the Rapid Assessment of Disability (RAD) survey to measure disability and its impact on participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in the community.

Dr Marella has led major research projects involving large population-based surveys for informing various disability inclusive programs throughout Asia and the Pacific, including in public health, inclusive education and evaluating disability inclusion in post-disaster response and recovery. She has supported the development of systems for monitoring and evaluating community-based programs and disability inclusive education. She has also led and contributed to several qualitative research studies on exploring the level of participation of people with disabilities in education, rehabilitation and health. Dr Marella is coordinator for the Master of Public Health’s Disability and Global Development subject, and she supervises graduate research students. She is a reviewer for academic journals and is currently guest editing a special issue on Measuring Disability and Disability Inclusive Development in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Dr Manjula Marella
Dr Manjula Marella

Dr Manjula Marella adalah Senior Research Fellow di Nossal Institute of Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health di the University of Melbourne. Dr Marella adalah peneliti inklusi disabilitas dan juga ahli metode kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan psikometri (Rasch analysis) untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi ukuran hasil yang dilaporkan oleh klien (client-reported outcome measures). Dr Marella memiliki gelar Bachelor of Science di bidang Optometri dari India dan memiliki spesialisasi dalam rehabilitasi penglihatan rendah (low vision). Beliau menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di Departemen Oftalmologi, the University of Melbourne, pada tahun 2011. Tesis doktoralnya melibatkan pengembangan kerangka evaluasi untuk program rehabilitasi berbasis-komunitas, atau Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR). Penelitian pasca-doktoralnya berfokus pada pengembangan dan validasi survei Rapid Assessment of Disability (RAD) untuk mengukur disabilitas dan dampaknya terhadap partisipasi dan inklusi penyandang disabilitas di masyarakat.

Dr Marella telah memimpin proyek penelitian besar yang melibatkan survei berbasis populasi besar untuk menginformasikan berbagai program inklusif disabilitas di seluruh Asia dan Pasifik, termasuk di bidang kesehatan masyarakat, pendidikan inklusif dan mengevaluasi inklusi disabilitas dalam respons dan pemulihan pasca-bencana. Beliau telah mendukung pengembangan sistem untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi program berbasis masyarakat dan pendidikan inklusif disabilitas. Beliau juga memimpin dan berkontribusi pada beberapa penelitian kualitatif untuk mengeksplorasi tingkat partisipasi penyandang disabilitas dalam pendidikan, rehabilitasi dan kesehatan. Dr Marella adalah koordinator untuk mata kuliah Disabilitas dan Pembangunan Internasional di bawah program Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat serta turut membimbing mahasiswa pascasarjana. Beliau juga merupakan penyunting beberapa jurnal akademik, dan sedang bekerja sebagai penyunting tamu untuk isu edisi spesial International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health yang bertajuk Measuring Disability and Disability Inclusive Development (Mengukur Pengembangan Disabilitas dan Inklusi terhadap Disabilitas).

Ms Shawana Andrews

Ms Shawana Andrews is a Palawa Trawlwoolway woman and is Associate Director of the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Social Work at the University of Melbourne. Shawana has led faculty and university-wide Indigenous health teaching and learning initiatives with a focus on Indigenous doctoral advancement and health leadership. Shawana is a social work and public health researcher in areas of Aboriginal mothering, family violence and Aboriginal women’s gendered cultural practice and knowledge. Shawana has worked extensively with the Victorian Aboriginal community throughout a clinical career in paediatric health and in her current academic role across research and teaching and learning.

Ms Shawana Andrew
Ms Shawana Andrews

Ibu Shawana adalah anggota suku Palawa Trawlwoolway dan merupakan Associate Director dari Poche Centre for Indigenous Health dan Senior Research Fellow di Departemen Pekerjaan Sosial di the University of Melbourne. Shawana telah memimpin inisiatif pengajaran dan pembelajaran kesehatan indigenous (orang asli) di seluruh fakultas the University of Melbourne dengan fokus pada kemajuan orang asli di bidang doktoral dan kepemimpinan dalam kesehatan. Shawana adalah peneliti dalam bidang pekerjaan sosial dan kesehatan masyarakat di bidang keibuan Aborigin, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, serta praktik dan pengetahuan budaya gender perempuan Aborigin. Shawana telah bekerja secara luas dengan masyarakat Aborigin Victoria sepanjang karir klinisnya di bidang kesehatan anak dan sekarang di dalam peran akademisnya, yang mencakup penelitian, pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Ms Emily Heng

Ms Emily Heng is in her final year of a Bachelor of Global Studies and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from Monash University. She has extensive experience in building people-to-people relations through her position as the Director of Operations at the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA). She leads the strategic operations across the Australia Chapters, Indonesia Chapters, and Digital team. Through AIYA, she has overseen and organised over 100 events for young people interested in the bilateral relationship. She has led projects that not only strengthen people-to-people links but engage with high-level partners including the Indonesian Foreign Ministry (Kemlu), Australian government departments, education providers, think-tanks and NGOs.

Emily started her international affairs career as a Program Assistant at Generate Worldwide, an international affairs consultancy. She assisted with the project management and communications strategy of the Australia-ASEAN CoLab, a leadership program for social entrepreneurs in the region.

Emily currently works at Refugee Legal as the Fast-Track Clinic Officer. With a keen interest in international law and human rights law, she has also completed a placement at the Castan Centre Human Rights Clinic, where she partnered with Equality Australia to research Australia's approach to LGBTIQ+ asylum claims.

Emily Heng
Ms Emily Heng

Emily Heng sedang menjalani tahun terakhirnya dalam program Bachelor of Global Studies dan Bachelor of Laws (Honours) dari Monash University. Dia memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam membangun hubungan people-to-people melalui posisinya sebagai Director of Operations, Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA). Emily juga memimpin operasi strategis di seluruh cabang Australia, cabang Indonesia, dan tim digital. Bersama AIYA, Emily sudah menyelenggarakan lebih dari 100 acara untuk kaum muda yang tertarik dengan hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Australia. Emily telah memimpin proyek-proyek yang tidak hanya mempererat hubungan antar masyarakat tetapi juga terlibat dengan mitra tingkat tinggi termasuk Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia (Kemenlu), pemerintahan Australia, penyedia pendidikan, institusi penelitian, dan LSM.

Emily memulai karirnya dalam hubungan internasional sebagai Program Assistant di Generate Worldwide, sebuah konsultan urusan internasional. Dalam peran ini, dia membantu dalam penyelenggaraan proyek dan strategi komunikasi CoLab Australia-ASEAN, sebuah program kepemimpinan untuk wirausahawan sosial di wilayah tersebut.

Emily saat ini bekerja di Refugee Legal sebagai Fast Track Clinic Officer. Emily memiliki minat yang besar pada hukum internasional dan hukum hak asasi manusia, dan juga telah menyelesaikan penempatan di Klinik Hak Asasi Manusia Castan Center, di mana ia bermitra dengan Equality Australia untuk meneliti pendekatan Australia terhadap klaim suaka kaum LGBTIQ+

Ms Citra Gantiaji

Ms Citra Gantiaji is the Program Coordinator at the Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), where she plans and coordinates high-quality short-term programs for Australian and other international students to study in Indonesia.

After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Citra worked in multiple youth-led grassroots organisations which promote people-to-people connections with Australia, Indonesia, and the wider Southeast Asian region. She is the President of the Jakarta Chapter of the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association and a Board Director of the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership. She was previously an Alumni Officer with the Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth.

Citra Gantiaji
Ms Citra Gantiaji

Citra Gantiaji adalah Koordinator Program di Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), di mana dia merencanakan dan mengoordinasi program jangka pendek berkualitas tinggi bagi siswa Australia dan internasional lainnya yang ingin belajar di Indonesia.

Setelah menerima gelar S1 Farmasi dari Universitas Islam Indonesia, Citra bekerja di beberapa organisasi akar rumput yang dipimpin oleh kaum muda yang mempromosikan hubungan antar masyarakat dengan Australia, Indonesia, dan kawasan Asia Tenggara. Citra adalah Presiden Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) Cabang Jakarta dan Direktur ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership. Sebelumnya Citra pernah menjabat sebagai Alumni Officer di the Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth.