Dr Wulan Dirgantoro

Lecturer in Art History and Curatorship, School of Culture and Communication (SCC), The University of Melbourne

Dr Wulan Dirgantoro
Dr Wulan Dirgantoro

Dr Wulan Dirgantoro is lecturer in Art History and Curatorship at the School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts, at The University of Melbourne. Her research interests are gender and feminism, and trauma and memory in Indonesian modern and contemporary art. Her publications including Feminisms and Indonesian Contemporary Art: Defining Experiences (Amsterdam University Press, 2017) and ‘Aesthetics of Silence: Exploring Trauma in Indonesian Painting 1970-1980’ in Ambitious Alignment: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art (Power Publication and the National Gallery of Singapore, 2018). She has also contributed to various art publications in Asia, Australia and UK on Indonesian modern and contemporary art. Prior to her current role she was a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2021), a lecturer at the MA Asian Art Histories program at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore (2014-2016) and research fellow of Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices 2016/2017 program, at the Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin.

Dr Wulan Dirgantoro adalah dosen Sejarah Seni dan Kurator di School of Culture and Communication, Fakultas Seni, di The University of Melbourne. Minat penelitiannya adalah gender dan feminisme, serta trauma dan ingatan dalam seni rupa modern dan kontemporer Indonesia. Publikasinya antara lain Feminisme dan Seni Kontemporer Indonesia: Pengalaman Mendefinisikan (Amsterdam University Press, 2017) dan 'Aesthetics of Silence: Exploring Trauma in Indonesian Painting 1970-1980' dalam Ambitious Alignment: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art (Power Publication and the National Gallery Singapura, 2018). Dia juga berkontribusi pada berbagai publikasi seni rupa di Asia, Australia dan Inggris tentang seni rupa modern dan kontemporer Indonesia. Sebelum perannya saat ini, Dr Dirgantoro adalah McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2021), dosen di program MA Asian Art Histories di LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapura (2014-2016) dan peneliti di Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices 2016/ Program 2017, di Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin.