Associate Professor Andrew Dodd

Director, Center for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne

Associate Professor Andrew Dodd
Associate Professor Andrew Dodd

Associate Professor Andrew Dodd is the Director of Center for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne. He was a broadcaster at ABC Radio National, where he presented several programs and founded the long running Media Report program. He was a reporter at ABC TV's 7.30 Report and a media and business reporter at The Australian newspaper. He has also worked for and Radio Netherlands and written for several other publications. Andrew teaches Researching and Writing Stories. His latest book is Upheaval: Disrupted Lives in Journalism.

Associate Professor Andrew Dodd adalah Direktur Centre for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne. Dia juga seorang penyiar di ABC Radio National, di mana dia mempresentasikan beberapa program dan mendirikan program Laporan Media yang sudah berjalan lama. Andrew adalah reporter di Laporan 7.30 ABC TV dan reporter media dan bisnis di surat kabar The Australian. Dia juga pernah bekerja untuk dan Radio Netherlands dan menulis untuk beberapa publikasi lainnya. Andrew mengajar mata kuliah Researching and Writing Stories. Buku terbarunya adalah Upheaval: Disrupted Lives in Journalism.