Associate Professor Diana Johns

Chair of Criminology, School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS), The University of Melbourne

Dr Diana Johns
Dr Diana Johns

Associate Professor Diana Johns is Chair of Criminology in the School of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. She is a qualitative, community-engaged researcher who works with people often described as 'hard-to-reach', including people who have been criminalised and/or imprisoned, young people, and African Australian communities. Her research is focused on the effects of criminalisation, the impacts of imprisonment, and the possibilities of restorative, relational and reintegrative justice practices. She is particularly interested in exploring experiences of transition, inbetweenness, and liminality. Diana’s book, Being and Becoming an Ex-Prisoner, based on her PhD research, was published in 2018 by Routledge (as part of the International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation). Her collaborative writing projects include two new books: Place, Race and Politics: The Anatomy of a Law and Order Crisis (Weber et al. Emerald, 2021) and Coproduction and Criminal Justice (Johns et al. Routledge, 2022).

Recent projects she has been involved in include: the Youth Diversion Pilot Program evaluation for the Children's Court of Victoria (with colleagues at RMIT); a study of the effects of demonising media narratives on South Sudanese young people since Moomba 2016, with colleagues at Monash University and the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY); Access to Justice during COVID-19 for Newly Arrived Communities in Victoria (led by Professor Jennifer Balint); evaluating restorative responses to adolescent family violence; evaluating the e-recovery app for the Neighbourhood Justice Centre; and therapeutic approaches in youth justice custodial settings. Her current research projects include: The Empowering African Mothers Project: Ubuntu in Practice, with community partners AAFRO and Afri-Aus Care; and Art as Counter Archive, exploring Parkville Youth Justice Centre as a site of memory and mourning. She founded and co-convenes, with Dr Sophie Rudolph, the Justice-involved Young People (JYP) Network

Associate Professor Diana Johns adalah Ketua Jurusan Kriminologi di School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS), Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. Dia adalah peneliti kualitatif yang melibatkan masyarakat yang bekerja dengan orang-orang yang sering digambarkan sebagai 'sulit dijangkau', termasuk orang-orang yang telah dikriminalisasi dan/atau dipenjara, kaum muda, dan komunitas Afrika-Australia. Penelitiannya berfokus pada efek kriminalisasi, dampak pemenjaraan, dan kemungkinan praktik keadilan restoratif, relasional, dan reintegrasi. Dia sangat tertarik untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman transisi, peralihan, dan liminalitas. A/Prof Johns menulis buku Being and Becoming an Ex-Prisoner, berdasarkan penelitian S3-nya, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 oleh Routledge (sebagai bagian dari International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation). Proyek penulisan kolaboratifnya mencakup dua buku baru: Place, Race and Politics: The Anatomy of a Law and Order Crisis (Weber et al. Emerald, 2021) dan Coproduction and Criminal Justice (Johns et al. Routledge, 2022).

Proyek-proyek terbaru yang dia ikuti meliputi: the Youth Diversion Pilot Program evaluation for the Children's Court of Victoria (bersama kolega dari RMIT); sebuah studi tentang efek menjelekkan narasi media pada kaum muda Sudan Selatan sejak Moomba 2016, dengan rekan-rekan di Monash University dan Center for Multicultural Youth (CMY); Access to Justice during COVID-19 for Newly Arrived Communities in Victoria (dipimpin oleh Profesor Jennifer Balint); mengevaluasi tanggapan restoratif terhadap kekerasan keluarga remaja; mengevaluasi aplikasi pemulihan elektronik untuk Neighbourhood Justice Centre; dan pendekatan terapeutik dalam pengaturan kustodian keadilan remaja. Proyek penelitiannya saat ini meliputi: The Empowering African Mothers Project: Ubuntu in Practice, dengan mitra komunitas AAFRO dan Afri-Aus Care; dan Art as Counter Archive, menjelajahi Parkville Youth Justice Center sebagai tempat kenangan dan berkabung. Bersama dengan Dr Sophie Rudolph, A/Prof Johns mendirikan dan mengelola the Justice-involved Young People (JYP) Network.