Professor Helen Dickinson

Director of the Public Service Research Group, School of Business, UNSW

Professor Helen Dickinson
Professor Helen Dickinson

Helen Dickinson is Professor of Public Service Research and Director of the Public Service Research Group at the School of Business, University of New South Wales, Canberra. Her expertise is in public services, particularly in relation to topics such as governance, policy implementation and stewardship of 4th industrial revolution technologies. Helen has published nineteen books and over one hundred peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics and is also a frequent commentator within the mainstream media. In 2015 Helen was made a Victorian Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and in 2019 awarded a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2021 Helen was named one of Apolitical’s 100 most influential academics in government. She has worked with a range of different levels of government, community organisations and private organisations in Australia, UK, New Zealand and Europe on research and consultancy programmes.

Ibu Helen Dickinson adalah Professor of Public Service Research dan Director of the Public Research Group di School of Business, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Canberra. Keahliannya adalah dalam layanan publik, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan topik seperti tata kelola, implementasi kebijakan, dan penatagunaan teknologi revolusi industri ke-4. Profesor Dickinson telah menerbitkan sembilan belas buku dan lebih dari seratus artikel jurnal peer-review tentang topik-topik tersebut dan juga sering menjadi komentator di media arus utama. Pada 2015 dia diangkat menjadi Victoria Fellow dari Institute of Public Administration Australia dan pada 2019 dianugerahi Fellow dari Academy of Social Sciences. Pada tahun 2021 Apolitical menobatkannya sebagai salah satu dari 100 akademisi paling berpengaruh di pemerintahan. Profesor Dickinson telah bekerja dengan berbagai tingkat pemerintahan, organisasi masyarakat dan organisasi swasta di Australia, Inggris, Selandia Baru dan Eropa dalam program penelitian dan konsultasi.