Dr Nicole Tse

Senior Lecturer, Grimwade Centre for Conservation of Cultural Material, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies (SHAPS), The University of Melbourne

Dr Nicole Tse
Dr Nicole Tse

Dr Nicole Tse is a researcher and lecturer from the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne. Through research, teaching and learning, she focuses on sustaining the cultural record and managing change in the Asia Pacific region. Her research draws on the four agent(cies) of conservation: Objects, People, Place and Time, and asks what can be learnt from challenge led materials conservation examples from the global south, and how conservation actions have attended to their own characteristics of place and encouraged adaptive thinking. Her approach is inclusive, inter-cultural, and collection focussed that utilises the scientific method to develop regionally relevant conservation actions. Much of this work takes place under the auspices of APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Research Network).

Dr Nicole Tse adalah peneliti dan pengajar di Grimwade Center for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne. Penelitian dan pembelajarannya fokus pada pelestarian catatan budaya dan pengelolaan perubahan di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Penelitian Dr Tse mengacu pada empat agen konservasi: Objek, Orang, Tempat dan Waktu, dan mempertanyakan apa yang dapat dipelajari dari contoh-contoh konservasi berbasis tantangan dari negara-negara selatan, dan bagaimana tindakan konservasi telah memperhatikan karakteristik lokal, dan mendorong pemikiran adaptif. Dia melakukan pendekatan inklusif, antar budaya, dan fokus terhadap koleksi yang memanfaatkan metode ilmiah untuk mengembangkan tindakan konservasi yang relevan secara regional. Sebagian besar pekerjaan ini dilakukan di bawah naungan APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Research Network).