Madeleine Moss

Minister Counsellor, Governance and Human Development, Australian Embassy Jakarta

Madeleine Moss
Madeleine Moss

Madeleine Moss is Minister Counsellor for Governance and Human Development in the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she oversees a wide range of Australia’s development assistance in Indonesia, including partnerships in health security, education, rural development, gender and civil society and governance. She joined the Department of Foreign Affairs portfolio in 2008, working for the then-AusAID’s Pacific Development Branch. Overseas she has worked for the Australian Government in Papua New Guinea and Singapore, including as the AusAID Team Leader in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (2010-2011), Counsellor for Development Policy in the Australian Embassy in Port Moresby (2011-2013) and across a range of roles in the Australian Embassy in Singapore (2014-2017).

From 2017-2019 Madeleine helped to establish the Australian Government’s Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security and was its first Deputy Head, and also represented the Australian Government on the Board of the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) during this same period. From 2019-2021 she was the Senior Adviser to the inaugural Head of the Office of the Pacific, in DFAT in Canberra. Madeleine also worked in the Office of the then Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, from 2013-2014, providing advice to the Minister on Australia’s international development program.

Before joining the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio, through AusAID in 2008, Madeleine worked on labour policy and programs within the Australian Government, including an attachment to the International Labour Organisation Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok, Thailand. Madeleine is a graduate of the Australian National University, in Canberra, with a Bachelor of Arts (Hon) majoring in Political Science and Asian Studies.

Ibu Madeleine Moss adalah Minister Counsellor for Governance and Human Development di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Jakarta, Indonesia, di mana dia mengawasi berbagai bantuan pembangunan Australia di Indonesia, termasuk kemitraan dalam jaminan kesehatan, pendidikan, pembangunan perdesaan, gender dan masyarakat sipil serta pemerintahan. Dia bergabung dengan Departemen Luar Negeri Australia pada tahun 2008, bekerja untuk Pacific Development Branch AusAID. Di luar Australia dia telah bekerja untuk Pemerintah Australia di Papua Nugini dan Singapura, termasuk sebagai Ketua Tim AusAID di Daerah Otonomi Bougainville (2010-2011), Penasihat Kebijakan Pembangunan di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Port Moresby (2011-2013) dan di sejumlah posisi di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Singapura (2014-2017).

Antara 2017-2019 Ibu Madeleine Moss membantu mendirikan Pusat Keamanan Kesehatan Indo-Pasifik Pemerintah Australia dan menjadi Wakil Kepala pertamanya, dan juga mewakili Pemerintah Australia di Dewan Aliansi Malaria Pemimpin Asia Pasifik (APLMA) selama periode yang sama. Pada 2019-2021 dia adalah Penasihat Senior untuk Kepala Kantor Pasifik perdana, di DFAT Canberra. Dia juga bekerja di Kantor Menteri Luar Negeri saat itu, Julie Bishop, dari 2013-2014, memberikan masukan kepada Menteri tentang program pembangunan internasional Australia.

Sebelum bergabung dengan DFAT, melalui AusAID pada tahun 2008, Ibu Madeleine Moss mengerjakan kebijakan dan program ketenagakerjaan dalam Pemerintah Australia, termasuk penugasan pada Kantor Regional Organisasi Buruh Internasional untuk Asia dan Pasifik, yang berbasis di Bangkok, Thailand. Dia adalah lulusan Australian National University, di Canberra, dengan gelar Bachelor of Arts (Hon) jurusan Ilmu Politik dan Studi Asia.