Professor John Murphy

Professor of Politics, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Professor John Murphy
Professor John Murphy

Professor John Murphy teaches and researches Australian politics and history, and comparative social policy history, with a developing focus on Indonesian social protection. He has expertise in social policy, examined historically and comparatively. In the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, he has held roles such as the Deputy Dean, Acting Dean, Associate Dean (Research and Research Training), and Assistant Dean for the PhD program. His most recent book - with Andrew Rosser - is Contesting Social Welfare in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press).

Profesor John Murphy adalah pengajar dan peneliti bidang politik dan sejarah Australia dan sejarah kebijakan sosial komparatif, dengan fokus pada perlindungan sosial di Indonesia. Dia memiliki keahlian di bidang kebijakan sosial yang diteliti secara historis dan komparatif. Profesor Murphy pernah menjabat sebagai Deputy Dean, Acting Dean, Associate Dean (Research and Research Training), dan Assistant Dean untuk program doktoral di Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne. Buku terbarunya - bersama Andrew Rosser - adalah Contesting Social Welfare in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press).