Dr Wawan Mas'udi

Dean, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Dr Wawan Mas'udi
Dr Wawan Mas'udi

Dr Wawan Mas’udi is the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada and senior lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government Studies. His research interests revolve around political leadership, populism, citizenship, and local politics and decentralization. During the COVID-19 pandemic, together with a research team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, he published policy recommendations on how the Indonesian government should respond to the pandemic. Dr Mas'udi is also the co-editor of two books: Governing the Pandemic and New Normal Indonesia (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). His publications include a chapter on the creation of political legitimacy in post-reform Indonesia (in Lane, 2019) and programmatic politics in local elections (Contemporary Southeast Asia, December 2017).

Dr Wawan Mas'udi adalah Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada dan dosen senior di Departemen Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintahan. Minat penelitiannya berkisar pada kepemimpinan politik, populisme, kewarganegaraan, dan politik lokal dan desentralisasi. Sewaktu pandemi COVID-19, bersama tim peneliti dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, dia menerbitkan beberapa rekomendasi kebijakan tentang bagaimana seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia menyikapi pandemi tersebut. Dr Mas'udi juga menjadi co-editor dua buku Mengatur Pandemi dan New Normal Indonesia (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2020). Publikasinya mencakup bab tentang penciptaan legitimasi politik di Indonesia pasca-reformasi (dalam Lane, 2019) dan politik terprogram dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Contemporary Southeast Asia, Desember 2017).