Episode 1: Nicholas Jose

Episode 1: Alexis Wright in conversation with Nicholas Jose

Authors Alexis Wright and Nicholas Jose discuss the fascinating history of the Song Cycle of the Moon Bone. It’s a story of renewal: of life, of nature, and of people. With the symbol of the cyclical moon at its heart, the Song Cycle and its translated poem have been offering lessons on resilience and return for generations.

With special thanks to Buwathay Muyarryun, Siena Stubbs, and the Mulka Project at Buku-Larrŋggay Mulka Centre in Yirrkala, East Arnhem for their contributions to this episode.

Nicholas Jose is an Australian author best-known for his fiction and cultural essays. His seven novels and three collections of short stories include Paper Nautilus, The Red Thread and Original Face. His acclaimed memoir Black Sheep: Journey to Borroloola appeared in 2002. He was general editor of the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature (2009) and has written widely on contemporary Australian and Asian art and literature. He was Visiting Chair of Australian Studies at Harvard University, 2009-10, and is an adjunct professor with the Writing and Society Research Centre at Western Sydney University and in the School of Humanities at the University of Adelaide where he was previously Chair of Creative Writing.

Nicholas Jose's website

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