Industry projects
LTRC specialises in measuring the language proficiency skills required for the workplace or for academic study purposes. Projects undertaken with industry partners have focussed on a range of sectors including health, defence, interpreting and translating, aviation and higher education.
Pearson Education Grant projects
The LTRC was awarded a new Pearson grant in 2021. This grant project and other recent Pearson grant projects are outlined here.
British Council Aptis Test
We work on projects relating to the Aptis test; the online language proficiency test designed by the British Council.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) research projects 2015-2019
TOEFL is the most widely used English language test in the world, used principally for the selection of students from non-English-speaking backgrounds for entry to higher education in the US and elsewhere.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
The IELTS test is one of the most widely used English Language proficiency tests in the world.
ARC Linkage Grant (Occupational English Test Writing Criteria)
The ‘Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records’ project was completed in 2017. Industry partner: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment.