Ethan Patrick


Creative Writing

Image of Ethan Patrick
Image of Ethan Patrick

I completed my undergraduate studies in creative writing and editing at Swinburne University before completing a Master of Creative Writing, Editing and Publishing here at Melbourne University. Aside from completing my PhD, I also work as a freelance editor and enjoy writing both fiction and non-fiction works centred around disability.



Writing Disability: Analysing Representations of Physical Disability in Current Fantasy Literature and Society

My thesis is comprised of two different types of research, critical analysis and practice-based research. The critical component will analyze depictions of physical disability in fantasy literature published within the last decade, to determine whether these representations perpetuate negative or positive ideas about persons living with disabilities and whether there is a link between the way disabled characters are written and how we treat those with disabilities in society. In the practice-based component, I will be writing a section of a novel that features a disabled protagonist, in order to determine if it is possible to write disability accurately without perpetuating negative stereotypes.

Research interests

  • Physical Disability
  • Disability in Society
  • Disability in Literature
