Connor Clery


Politics and international relations

Image of Connor Clery
Image of Connor Clery


Resistance, precarity and the administration of life: peace praxis at the Colombian periphery

My research uses a critical, qualitative and exploratory approach to better understand resistance, peace and security in global politics. Borrowing from political anthropology, I examine human experiences of (in)security and practices of resistance to illustrate the way state and global peace enterprises produce violent and confining social conditions. These insights draw on extensive fieldwork in Urabá, Antioquia with former combatants from the guerilla group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). One key contribution of the research to political science and international relations is the theorisation of resistance as a relational political process occurring alongside war and peace.

Research interests

  • Resistance
  • Security
  • Peace
  • War
  • Colombia
