Here you will find a list of research projects associated with the themes of the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Contemporary Culture Research Unit.
Architectures of Imagination: Bodies, Buildings, Fictions, and Worlds
Azuchi Screens Research Network
Beyond Identity: Romanticism and Decreation
British Romanticism and colonial modernity in India, 1780-1840
Climate Science Denialism and its populist Analogs
Critique, Creativity, Innovation
Extremism and the Australian Imaginary
Gothic Fictions: Emotion, Contagion, and the Transformation of Experience in Modernity
Human Kind: transforming identity in Australian and British portraits 1700-1900
Islam and the Left in Indonesia and Turkey
Kenzaburo Ōe and William Blake: Modernity, Romanticism, Japan
Literary Romanticism and the Media of Romantic Love
Natural Born Subjects: A Cultural History of Naturalization in Britain and the Australian Colonies, 1660-1850
New tastemakers and Australia’s post-digital literary culture
Observation and Analogy in Enlightenment and Romantic Natural History
Reconstructing museum specimen data through the pathways of global commerce
Regency Flash: Britain, Ireland and Australia, 1788-1848
Romantic Worlding
The Butterfly Men of Kuranda: natural history dealers in the 'deep north'
The George Lyell Collection
The Past and Present of Sugar
The Pasts and Futures of Virtual Reality
Theorising the online anti-public sphere
War-Widow, Mother, Slave, Refugee: Andromache in Romantic Europe
William Blake and the History of Imagination: Poetry, Prophecy, and Secularization
World Literatures, Theatres and Cultures research network